Friday, March 15, 2024

Dealing Effectively with Dysfunctional, Destructive, Negative Behaviors and Problems in Relationships

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  How does one Deal Effectively with Dysfunctional, Destructive, and Negative Behaviors and Problems in a Relationship  --  

  It could come from our Partners -- or otherwise these maladies could be manifesting in our Relationship from who knows where else?  

  Or it could be coming in from the World.

  Sometimes the problem is we just can't let go sometimes...  And sometimes we can.

  Have you ever had to deal with such things?  Problems.. negativities that get into your relationship and just fester...  Could be something old Trauma... chasing new Trauma.

  We have temporary fixes like ..... name your poison .....

What Happens when Such things as these Possible Problems Manifest in Our Relationships  What if this negativity grows like a tumor: 

... What if my life with my partner comes up with one or more of the following issues???

>>> What if me, or my partner Throws Tantrums or Fits... ?

>>> What if me, or my partner has a Sex - Addiction  (A Gigantic Porn Collection... Having Affairs,... Paying for sex)... ?

>>> What if me, or my partner has a Sugar Addiction ?  

>>> What if me, or my partner Just keeps on Over-Eating ?

>>> What if my partner or I am just too busy Gambling to do anything the other wants them to do ?

>>> What if my partner or I am just too busy Drinking or Drugging all the time ?

>>> What if me, or my partner has a Caffeine Addiction -- like just Real Hyper...  Just Can't STOP! ?

>>> What If they have a Video Game Addiction and won't quit until they Win The BIG ONE?

>>> What If they have Work-a-holism.. or A Job-addiction ?

>>> What if me, or my partner has a problem involving Spending / Binge spending.. / Credit Card issues  / Creditors calling the House all the time... ?

>>> What if my partner or I have Binge Drinking / Cocaine Binges / Meth Binges / or Extended Acid Trips... ...SHROOMS Problem???

>>> Or one of us has a Rage-alcoholism problem -- Serious Anger Management Issues?  Like breaking stuff right and left... Punching holes in walls...

>>> What if Kleptomania is a part of our relationship ?  Or we have Some other kind of Serious Mental Illness..  Or the Voices told me to do it.  What if my partner has Psychosis ???  (Don't know reality from fiction.)

>>> What if your partner Refuses to Address a Serious MH problem --  Like Trichotillomania -- Paranoia -- Psychosis -- Severe Anxiety or Debilitating Depression ?

>>> What if I have Hypochondria / Yet Still / I am Insensitive to my partner's issues (Basically I am habitually Inconsiderate of their needs)... ?

>>> What if my partner Cannot separate their Role at Work from their Role at Home ?

>>> What is my partner is a Shut-In / Always in Isolation / They are a Loner -- especially during holidays... Like my family has never even met them.... ?

>>> What if they have a Problem with their Temper  / They Lose their Temper over "nothing" on a regular basis?

>>> Selective Mutism... Won't talk when uncomfortable. ?

>>> What if I am a Dangerous Driver / I have Road Rage NO MATTER Who is in the Car  / I got DUI's (And the related expenses) too ?  Where does that leave my partner ?  What if I drive drunk with the kids in the car ?

>>> What if I am a Holy-Roller / Bible-Thumper... -- I am a Guru-Addict -- a Cult-Member --  I am Always trying to convert you to my Religion... ?

>>> What if my partner is a Hoarder -- Compulsive... Obsessive Compulsive -- meaningless collector of everything... ?

>>> What if they are always throwing away your important stuff -- without apology or anything ?

>>> What if they always do things that Seriously Embarrass You in front of your family and friends... (On purpose)... ?

>>> What if I am a Chronic Liar -- Compulsive Liar -- I just Can't or Won't tell the truth....  I will deny the truth even when it is right in front of me... ?

>>> What if I am a Bully !!!  Like you cannot trust them me with the kids even... ?

>>> What if my partner is SIMPLY A NON-STOP Gossip -- Always talking negative about things and people that just do not matter. ?

>>> What if they are Always Jealous... suspicious.. accusing you of cheating... Claiming that they have proof of your BAD DEEDS... ?

>>> What if I am Vengeful / I simply won't forget that one thing that you said or did / I Cannot let it go /  I keep Diggin up the past all the time  / I Will Never Forgive... ?

>>> What if they Can't / Won't Keep a Job / No Ambition / Can't or Won't look for work either... ?    Won't even clean the living room or the Cheerios off the Kitchen Floor?

>>> What if they are Type A -- They Never listen to you / Always talk over you... and then it's all your fault according to them ?

>>> What if they are always Compulsively Cleaning / Compulsively showering / Compulsively Primping....  Always washing their car even... ?

>>> What if I cannot have even the simplest, most insignificant disagreement without it turning into the End of the World?

>>> What if your partner are a Cat-Lady / Cat-Man (OOOh...  that Smell!) / Or they are a Person with a Violent DOG ?

>>> What if they are Always acting paranoid / Always suspecting you of doing wrong --  no matter what you did or where or how or anything?

>>> What if they are just always keeping secrets.. and they tease you with bits of info.. but never tell you the whole story?

>>> What if they used to be so nice and a GREAT LOVER. But now They are a Hater / They Hate everyone...  They are Hyper Critical / There is No Love There Any More?!?

>>> What if I am a Chronic Victim / Always blaming everyone else / I never take accountability... ?

>>> What if I am Sloppy / Unclean...  / Dusty... / Stinky ... / Gross .../  Filthy... / yeaccchhhe..... ?

>>> What if I am Always getting into Fights (with anyone)... everywhere...  Every TIME .. ALL THE TIME.. Where ever I go... ?  You can't take me anywhere...

>>> What if they simply Refuse to pay the bills --- ?

>>> What if you Dial the HELP Number for their particular problem and hand them the phone --- but time after time, they just hang it up... and they say it's your fault  ???  

>>> What if they are a Social Media Addict  -- they got like 7,000 "Friends" on one Ap alone...?

>>> What if I am Someone who likes to FIGHT..  Likes to play ROUGH...  But then I say I am just kidding...?

>>> What if they are simply Someone who ALWAYS NEEDS you to agree with them... -- even when they are wrong?

So, What are Some Viable Solutions to such problems?


What do you DO???

What CAN YOU DO???

What if some of these describe your partner to a T?

What if some of these describe you to a T?

What happens when you are with someone .. In a committed relationship.. and then you realize that they are like this... 

Do you think DV comes out of this kind of stuff?


What do you DO??? 

Do You GET DV'd ???...   and Must  

You Do DV ???  (NO WAY!!!)

TO DO; Or NOT TO DO Something About It???  

Is there anything you CAN Do to stop this madness?

SHOULD you DO Something?  (Why?  Why Not?)  

What are the PROS and CONS of just letting it go?  

What are the PROS and CONS of NOT just Letting it GO???

Here are some Possible Solutions (Which One's Might Work for you?):

Learn to live with it?  (NO WAY!!!)

Leave them?  

Blame it ALL on your SELF?  Will that work?

Just ignore it until it goes away?

Don't say anything and just Hope that they change?  (Maybe???)

Drop them off for Therapy... "Send them to Rehab..."?  (YES?!)

Try to get them to get Medication?  (Depends on the Problem!!!)

Get Couple's Counseling?  (Maybe???)

Call in a professional for an Intervention...

Threaten to leave them if they ever do it again?   (Maybe???)

Be grateful that you at least won't die alone?  (NO WAY!!!)

Try to have them arrested?  NONONO

Kill them with Kindness?

Just STRAIGHTEN them out?  (NO WAY!!!)

Start Therapy for yourself to help you deal with the situation?  ("YES!")

Introduce them to your slutty friend and hope they take the bait?  (NO WAY!!!)

Try to Educate them and Change them by yourself?   (Possibly)

Go & See your Fortune Teller?  Get your palm read?  Or Medicine Man (Maybe...)?  Your Curandaro.. or your Psychic... ?

Try to get them hooked on a new Hobby so they will be distracted?  (ehhh...?)

Drive them to a different State and leave them there?  (NO WAY!!!)  Don't even think about it.

Go to Church more and Pray a lot...  Pray Hard!  (???)

Hire an In-Home Applied Behavior Analysis Practictioner or Behavioral Modification Person?  

Start cooking with Herbs and Spices that might be reputed to effectively address and/or change the condition?

You could ask them if they want to get help? (But what if they're in denial?)  

Send them back to their Mother or to their Ex? (NO WAY!!!)

Call their Family and rat them out?   (NO WAY!!!)

Have an affair and just ignore the problems you have at home?  (NO WAY!!!)

Start Drinking or Drugging and blame it on them?  (NO WAY!!!)

Buy some Meds in Mexico and put them into their Food -- Or -- Secretly Drug them?    (NO WAY!!!)  Not on your life!

Have another baby because maybe that'll change things?   (NO WAY!!!)

Work on things together?  (Good idea!)

Brow-Beat them into Submission?  (NO WAY!!!)

Put signs all around the house and in the car too.  (But what would you put on the signs?)

Move away (with them) and start over Fresh in a strange land? 

Listen to them more?  YESSS!

Move away (without them) and start over Fresh?  

Love them till Death Do You Part? 

Cut them off? 

Take away their toys? 


No REALLY???   What could or should you do?

Have you been in similar situations before? 

Which Options Would You Try?

Which Options Should You Try?

Which Options should you never Try???

What works best for you?   You are the one who is going to pay the price.... So what is best for you and your kids.....  And if you still love the other person... include them in your calculations...

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