Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Vagina Monologues -- Decades of Altruistic Efforts to Improve the Lives of Girls, Women, and Yes; the Entire Planet!

 Watching "Until the Violence Stops: The Vagina Monologues" has been a tradition in Dr. B's DV Treatment Sessions for DV Program Participants for almost a Decade now.  

  The Vagina Monologues is a very entertaining film about a World-wide V-Day (Vagina-Day) Campaign that was launched some 20 years ago by Eve Ensler of Saturday Night Live.  This presentation contains stories of tragedy, oppression, and personal stories told through superb comedy, fabulous music and conveyed by a broad-range of well-known personalities.

  The Vagina Monologues combines a dose of Humanistic Integrity and Accountability with a dose of Women's Empowerment.

  The beauty of the Vagina Monologues is that the money raised has been used to help fund countless projects that operate in order to improve the lives of girls and women around the World.  And this in turn tends to improve the lives of everyone else.

  I have seen it probably at least 50 times and each time I watch it, I get something else -- something new -- about this important topic.

  This is why watching the Vagina Monologues is a required part of my DV Offender Treatment Program.

  Click on The Links below to watch videos related to the Vagina Monologues.  Please watch some of these and then Complete The Worksheet at the Bottom of this Post.

>>> *** Please Click Here to Complete Your            

Vagina Monologues Reaction Worksheet!!! *** <<<

Click Here to Watch Eve Ensler Talk about The Vagina Monologues

Click Here to Watch Ensler Talk (some more) about The Vagina Monologues

= Click Here to Watch Eve Ensler's Ted Talk about the Vagina Monologues =

(((Click Here to Watch the 2018 Vagina Monologues)))

**>>> Click Here to Watch "Until the Violence Stops": 

The Vagina Monologues" online. <<<**  

(This one is a Pay-Per-View or one can view it 

via Subscriptions (Hulu, Prime, IMDB etc...; 

However, it is a good one!) 

Click Here for Another Version of the Vagina Monologues


IMPORTANT: <<< CLICK HERE >>> DV Session Feedback Form >>>

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