If you are at risk of being victimized; or if you are at risk of committing DV during this time of Social Distancing and Stay-At-Home Orders; you really need to THINK NOW and pull together your personal resources so that you are no longer at risk of this.
For Potential Perpetrators of DV, you might want to think very carefully about what your next steps are going to be. Are you at Risk of Committing DV at this point in your life? Look up the basic Risk Factors for DV such as:
-- Have you done it before?
-- Do you use Drugs (including Marijuana) or Alcohol?
-- Do you have Untreated Mental Health Issues that sometimes find you being violent to others?
-- Are you feeling Suicidal or Homicidal?
-- Have you used weapons against other people in the past?
-- Have you ever been abusive in front of children?
-- Have you ever abused a woman when she was pregnant?
-- Are you obsessed with your partner or Ex-partner?
-- Do you have a history of criminal behavior or thinking with a lack of remorse or accountability or empathy for those who have been hurt by your actions?
-- Have you ever tried to choke or strangle another person?
-- Have you ever tried to force someone to have sex with you?
-- Have you had violence (verbal or physical) with your partner's family?
-- Do you have a history of Child Abuse or Neglect?
-- Do you believe that Violence in your home or with people close to you is sometimes a "necessary option".
-- Have you and your partner separated and/or gotten back together within the past month?
-- Are you a jealous person?
-- Do you believe that your partner is "cheating" on you?
-- Are you unemployed?
-- Do you have currently close friends or associates who believe in violent or criminal behavior?
These are all Risk Factors for Domestic Violence according to the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (Colorado DVOMB).
If you are At RISK for committing Domestic Violence during this time period of isolating at home with your family, PLEASE call for HELP RIGHT NOW! I implore you! I cannot ask you more strongly than that. The National Domestic Violence Helpline offers specialized supports for potential abusers -- even if you have already committed abuse. If you are one of these people pay attention. They wrote, "If you’re questioning your own behavior at all, or if someone else has brought it to your attention, acknowledging it is a step in the right direction. Give us a call today at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or chat online with us to start the conversation."
For potential Victims of DV, unfortunately, you might have an easier time if you stay with a family member or a supportive friend during this time. Or even call a DV Shelter, a Church, or another type of Charity who can help you move out to a SAFE PLACE for the time being.
Meanwhile, if you are a parent, child, brother, sister, friend, abuser or victim of abuse, please call for help. Life does not have to be this way. Even during the CORONA Virus / COVID-19 Crisis, every American has a Right to be safe and free of bullying, neglect, harassment, molestation, coercion, manipulation, and assault
For further reading on this topic, follow this link: