Monday, September 5, 2022

Absence Attestation: If You Have Missed Any Weeks, Please Complete Your Absence Attestation Form Here

RULE 1: Every Week of Participation in this DV Program must be accounted for. 
RULE 2: No DV Client should miss more than one DV Session for any given 10 weeks in DV Treatment.  Once a DV Client misses 3 DV Treatment Sessions (including Intake, Evaluation, Groups, Individual, Treatment Planning, Denial, or Reinstatement Sessions).
  If a DV Client fails to honor either Rule 1 or Rule 2 (above), the Multidisciplinary Treatment Team (MTT) must meet to discuss this matter; then the Client can be discharged from Treatment as "Unsuccessful", required to do additional Treatment(s), and/or Temporarily Suspended from DV Treatment until the issues causing absences are resolved.  
  This means that every time you miss attending your DV Session (Group or Individual) for one week, you must complete one of these Absence Attestation forms and submit it to Dr. Beverly.  All absences from any type of DV Appointment require that you complete an Absence Attestation form.  Please see the Link to the Absence Attestation Form, below.
  Naturally, a Communicated Absence -- where Dr. Beverly is notified at least 24 hours in advance, is looked upon much more favorably than a No Call / No Show or an AWOL Absence.  
  In order to be considered for a Communicated Absence, you must do this within 48 hours of your absence. Technically, almost all absences should be communicated to Dr. Beverly at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled Session.  If you do not Communicate about your Absence with Dr. B within 48 hours of your Absence, it will be considered a Non-Communicated Absence. 
  If you have documentation of any kind to send to Dr. B., please do so by photographing or scanning the documentation and emailing it to him.  If you are sending in Documentation, you must still complete this Form and Submit it in order for this to be a Communicated Absence.
  Also, please be sure to check out the "Absence Make-Up Assignments" on this Blog, so that when you complete this Form and are asked to state which Make-Up Assignment you plan to complete, you will know what you are committing to.
  It is important to note that Make-Up Assignments do not Make-Up for your missing any DV Sessions.  However, if you complete Make-Up Assignments when ever you miss a session, the MTT is more likely to be more lenient on you for missing the sessions that you had to miss.
  Although there are no "Excused Absences", Communicated Absences and Absences for which one completes a Make-Up Assignment, are looked upon much more favorably by the MTT than Non-Communicated Absences.  Furthermore, if Absences are Communicated in advance, this is even better. 
  It is important to note that once a person reaches three (3) Absences of any kind, he or she may be dropped from the Program. 

(You must complete one of these for each week that you were absent, from the beginning of your treatment).

And PLEASE see the potential Make-Up Assignment Worksheets Below.

Please Click on one of the items Below to Complete one of these Absence Make-Up Assignments: 

  *** Please Click Here to Complete an Extra DV Treatment Planning Worksheet. *** (You should have one of these completed for every 3 months that you have been in Treatment.  Therefore you should do one of these, unless you believe you have completed one every 3 months.)  

  *** Please Click Here to Complete a Personal Change Plan Worksheet *** (You should have one of these completed for every 4 months you have been in Treatment.  Therefore, you should do one of these, unless you believe you have already completed one for every 4 months.)

  *** Please Click Here to Complete a Short Version of the Aftercare Plan Worksheet *** (You should have completed at least two of these during your Treatment.  Therefore, you should do one of these, unless you believe you have already completed 2 of these.)

*** Please CLICK Here to Complete an another TAKING TIME OUTs Worksheet ***
  (You should have completed at least one of these during your Treatment.  So do one now in order to be sure.)

 *** Please Click Here to Complete an Extra Recognizing Empathy Worksheet. ***
  (You should have completed at least one of these during your Treatment.  So do one now in order to be sure.)

  (You should have completed at least one or two of these during your treatment.  It's always good to do another one of these.)

*** Please CLICK HERE to Complete a New Personal Values & Mission Statement to End DV ***
  (You should have completed at least one of these during your Treatment.  So do one now in order to be sure.)

  *** Please Click Here to Complete an Extra Stop, Breathe, Focus, Relax, Reflect and Choose Wisely Worksheet. ***  (You should have completed at least two of these during your Treatment.  Therefore, you should do one of these, unless you believe you have already completed 2 of these.)

 *** Please Click Here to Complete an Extra My Red Flags Worksheet.*** (You should have completed at least two of these during your Treatment.  Therefore, you should do one of these, unless you believe you have already completed 2 of these.)

 *** Please Click Here to Complete an Extra Respect Letter Worksheet.*** (You should have completed at least two of these during your Treatment.  Therefore, you should do one of these, unless you believe you have already completed 2 of these.)

(c. 2020, All information on this Blog, Affiliated Blogs and linked Worksheets (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual
and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.)

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