Monday, January 10, 2022

Paying for DV Sessions

  PLEASE ALWAYS Make your PayPal Payments BEFORE your DV Session.  

VERY SHORTLY, we will be returning to conducting our Sessions the same way that we used to.  And people who have not paid first will not be allowed to attend the session.  Please read below and click on the appropriate links for more information.

Or You Can Make a Payment via PayPal Right Here & Right Now!
Please Click RIGHT HERE.  Or go the PayPal Buttons on the top and bottom of the Right Side of the Page.

  Please remember: If you attend a Session today, you should pay for this session today.  If you have a voucher for today, then that voucher can pay for this session.  However, a voucher can never be used for a session that occurred before the Voucher date.  Also, Vouchers must be used before their Expiration date.  

  If you have any Balance at all; you should be making weekly payments -- EVERY Week.  If you have ever attended a Session that was not covered by a Voucher, and that you did not already pay for, you should start paying for that session (or those sessions) today as well.

 Please keep track of when you have vouchers, when you pay for a session, and the sessions that you owe for.  If you are inaccurate in your tally, Dr. B will correct the inaccuracy.

  It truly is a pleasure to provide this Service to you and for this Community.  However, in order to survive, this Service depends on you paying for your Sessions as soon as possible.  Furthermore, paying for Sessions is a required part of DV Offender Treatment, as per the Colorado Domestic Violence Offender Management Board. 

  There are numerous ways to pay for your Services on this Blog.  Please either look to the Right-hand column if you are using a PC or a Tablet.  Or, if you are using a cell phone, please scroll all the way down to the bottom of your screen and you will see a link that says, "View in Web Browser" or "View Web Version".  Hit that link and when that screen shows up, you will see PayPal buttons at the bottom right side of the page, as well as a PayPal Link at the top of the Page.

  If you have any questions, please either email or text Dr. Beverly.

  Thank you.

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