Tuesday, September 12, 2023

BASIC DBT Skills for Prevention of Domestic Violence-Type Thinking and Feeling and Domestic Violence Itself!

 BASIC DBT Skills for Prevention of Domestic Violence-Type Thinking and Feeling and Domestic Violence Itself!  

What are the moments when DV happens truly made of?  

  Stress, Anger, Impatience, Disrespect of others and Disrespect of self...  Other feelings?  Fear, Rage, Exhaustion...

   It wasn't me... I wasn't thinking...          I wasn't there... 100%  I don't even remember what happened...

   I was off my center.  I ran out of patience.   I couldn't stand it any more.

  It was all her fault...  It was all his fault.

  So how did that work out for ya???

  What's say we try a few DBT Skills???

DBT TIPP Skills:  Presentation

  Trick your body into feeling like you are under water

  Intense Exercise

  Paced Breathing

  Paired Muscle Relaxation

Mindfulness How Skills:  Presentation

  How to Observe

  How to Describe

  How to Participate

Mindfulness of Current Emotions:  Presentation

  Notice the Emotion and observe it

  Be willing to experience the emotion (Notice where in your body you feel it.)

  Respect and Love your Emotions (Even the painful ones).

  Do not Judge your Emotions.  (They are what they are.)

  Practice Loving your Emotions

Wise-Mind:  Presentation

  "An Intuitive, Centered State of Mind -- where you are the wisest and make the most effective decisions."

  "Not Emotion Mind and Not Reasonable Mind.

  Emotion Mind (State of mind when your emotions control your Thoughts, Urges and Behaviors).

  Reasonable Mind (State of mind when your reason controls your (Thoughts, Urges and Behaviors).
  You lose your sense of empathy.

  Wise-Mind represents the Integration of Emotion Mind and Reason Mind

  Knowing facts and log as well as tuning into emotions and senses" (Source.)


  Using DBT for Stress

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