Sunday, May 9, 2021

Denial and Responsibility -- Again...

   This week's lesson is about the Responsibility and Denial.  

Why is Responsiblity improtant?

Then why shiolud we be willing and able and willing to recognize when we are in denia. 

The question is can I admit when I mess up?  Can I admit it when I make a poor choice?  

Sometimes it seems difficult to try and own what I have done without any excuses or blame.  

The Grieving Process when someone passes away; or when you take big loss -- or even when you get your heart broken... it's like someone passed away almost.  It leaves a hole.  Not the same person any more... We go through these stages Grieving... 

DABDA -- Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance   (E.K.Ross, 1969). 

  We go through these stages when someone passes away.  

  The idea is to take accountability / responsibility for things we have done; without letting our natural sense of Denial take over.  


  The Worksheet for this week may be found at this Link.  Just Click Here to Complete the Worksheet.

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