Saturday, January 30, 2021

We ALL MUST Pay to Play, Right???

  We each need to pay for the Services that we receive.  

 Therefore, every week, if you have a session, you should pay for that session either right before, or right after the session.
                +++   $$$   +++

  To Make a Payment via PayPal Right Now, Please Click RIGHT HERE.  Or go the PayPal Buttons on the top and bottom of the Right Side of this Page.

                     +++   $$$   +++
  If you have an IOU, then start paying on that IOU today.  We will definitely be settling all IOU's prior to any discharges.  The best thing to do is to stay as current as possible with paying for your DV Services.  If you need a balance, please text or email Dr. B and he will send you a balance as soon as possible.  But do not wait for a Balance to start paying.  You are responsible for paying for all sessions, unless they were covered by Vouchers.  Your Probation Officer should be able to tell you ahead of time if you have any Vouchers.  Meanwhile, if you attend a session and you do not know for sure that you in fact have a voucher, your should pay asap.

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