Monday, July 5, 2021

Helpful Info About The Power & Control Wheel & The Equality Wheel

The Power & Control Wheel: Everything You Need to Know.  The Power & Control Wheel is one of the most long-standing cornerstones of DV Offender Treatment.  Please take time to learn about this.
  Also, The Equality Wheel can been helpful in learning about WHAT TO DO; as opposed to The Power & Control Wheel which presents ideas about WHAT NOT TO DO.
  Just like the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions for Alcoholics Anonymous and other Recovery Programs; and just like The Ten Commandments; the Power & Control and the Equality Wheels off a brief set of ideas about What To DO and What Not To Do.   Equality is not only what you should do; but if you are in a Relationship, you should either be able to expect it.  Or at least that your partner is learning about, or willing to learn about how to have a Relationship based on Equality.

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