Sunday, April 26, 2020

One Terrible, albeit NOT Intended Outcome of Stay-At-Home Orders:

  A number of Domestic Violence Victim Advocates have predicted a possible rise in Family Violence during the time period when almost all people in certain countries were compelled to remain in their homes while the CORONA-Virus, COVID-19 slithered and wound it's way through modern Civilization.  
  As predicted, I have heard from both Emergency Room Doctors and DV Victim Advocates that these horrific  nightmares have unfortunately come true for way too many innocent adult victims as well as children during this time period.  
  Below is a story of such nightmares.  Please be fore-warned that the attached article and images might be disturbing to some people.  Click with care.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Helpful Links / CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 & Domestic Violence

CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 Self-Checker and other Symptom Info:

White House Press Briefing regarding Covid-19; May 28, 2020.

White House Corona Virus Press Briefing, May 1st, 2020

Governor Polis signs additional Executive Order Regarding Covid-19.

Colorado Governor's Update regarding CORONA-VIRUS COVID-19: Colorado Governor's Safer-At-Home Order

Colorado Governor's Latest Info Regarding COVID-19.

Contact Numbers for COVID-19 Questions.

Colorado Governor's Stay-At-Home Order to Colorado's New Safer-At-Home Order:

San Luis Valley Health Regarding CORONAVIRUS, COVID 19:

CORONAVIRUS and Travel by CDC:


CORONAVIRUS Travel Alerts for Las Animas and Huerfano Counties

3rd Judicial District Home Page:

12th Judicial District Home Page:

2020 Stimulus Checks / Economic Impact Payment Information per IRS:

Filing an Unemployment Claim:

National Domestic Violence Hotline:

San Luis Valley Victim Advocates / Tu Casa:

Trinidad & Walsenburg Victim Advocates / Advocates Against Domestic Assault (AADA):

Are You Ready To Quit Smoking? Call the Colorado QuitLine! 

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Something for Domestic Violence Victims, Survivors and Perpetrators to Ponder during this Difficult Time.

  If you are at risk of being victimized; or if you are at risk of committing DV during this time of Social Distancing and Stay-At-Home Orders; you really need to THINK NOW and pull together your personal resources so that you are no longer at risk of this.
  For Potential Perpetrators of DV, you might want to think very carefully about what your next steps are going to be.  Are you at Risk of Committing DV at this point in your life?  Look up the basic Risk Factors for DV such as:
  -- Have you done it before?
  -- Do you use Drugs (including Marijuana) or Alcohol?
  -- Do you have Untreated Mental Health Issues that sometimes find you being violent to others?
  -- Are you feeling Suicidal or Homicidal?
  -- Have you used weapons against other people in the past?
  -- Have you ever been abusive in front of children?
  -- Have you ever abused a woman when she was pregnant?
  -- Are you obsessed with your partner or Ex-partner?
  -- Do you have a history of criminal behavior or thinking with a lack of remorse or accountability or empathy for those who have been hurt by your actions?
  -- Have you ever tried to choke or strangle another person?
  -- Have you ever tried to force someone to have sex with you?
  -- Have you had violence (verbal or physical) with your partner's family?
  -- Do you have a history of Child Abuse or Neglect?
  -- Do you believe that Violence in your home or with people close to you is sometimes a "necessary option".
  -- Have you and your partner separated and/or gotten back together within the past month?
  -- Are you a jealous person?
  -- Do you believe that your partner is "cheating" on you?
  -- Are you unemployed?
  -- Do you have currently close friends or associates who believe in violent or criminal behavior?
  These are all Risk Factors for Domestic Violence according to the Domestic Violence Risk Needs Assessment (Colorado DVOMB).
  If you are At RISK for committing Domestic Violence during this time period of isolating at home with your family, PLEASE call for HELP RIGHT NOW!  I implore you!  I cannot ask you more strongly than that.  The National Domestic Violence Helpline offers specialized supports for potential abusers -- even if you have already committed abuse.  If you are one of these people pay attention.  They wrote, "If you’re questioning your own behavior at all, or if someone else has brought it to your attention, acknowledging it is a step in the right direction. Give us a call today at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or chat online with us to start the conversation."
  For potential Victims of DV, unfortunately, you might have an easier time if you stay with a family member or a supportive friend during this time.  Or even call a DV Shelter, a Church, or another type of Charity who can help you move out to a SAFE PLACE for the time being.
  Meanwhile, if you are a parent, child, brother, sister, friend, abuser or victim of abuse, please call for help.  Life does not have to be this way.  Even during the CORONA Virus / COVID-19 Crisis, every American has a Right to be safe and free of bullying, neglect, harassment, molestation, coercion, manipulation, and assault
  For further reading on this topic, follow this link:

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

DR. B is Practicing Social Distancing

  Just letting people in Walsenburg, Trinidad, Alamosa and Monte Vista know that during this CORONA Virus / COVID-19 Crisis, 
Dr. Beverly is seeing all Clients for both Mental Health and Domestic Violence Prevention services.  However, given the Federal, State and County-Issued cautions, 
Dr. Beverly is currently only holding sessions via Telephone and the HIPAA-Compliant DOXY.ME platform.  
  If you are in need of help, please contact Dr. Beverly by text or call 719-671-7793; or email him at  
  Please stay safe and healthy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Schedule of Group Sessions via Doxy.Me or Conference Call

  • If attending a DOXY.ME or Conference Call Session, be in a Private Setting so no one else can hear and no one’s Confidentiality is compromised. People who violate this will Risk being Discharged.
  • Do not drive or do anything requiring your attention while in this session. 
  • There should be no background noise (including automobiles, wind, or other media including television, kids playing or radio).

For the DOXY.Me Sessions:  All you have to do is follow the link and then select to enter my Waiting Room.  I will then see them there.  And if at the appropriate time, I will let you in.  Then be sure to follow the rules below. 
  • In order to conduct a good DOXY.ME Session you must have a good solid Internet connection and you must know how to easily operate your computer including your microphone and headphones or speakers. 
  • Once you have come into Group and Said, “Hi!”, please sure to temporarily mute your microphone so that there will not be too much white noise in the Group.
  • Remember, if you make any sort of noise while on the calls, everyone else can hear it and possibly even see what you are doing.
  • If you are using a cell phone, and your screen moves automatically from portrait to horizontal screen view, please either turn that feature off temporarily; or be sure that your phone is stationary throughout the entire call.
  • Due to the Waiting Room Feature, I will also be able to see who is in the Waiting Room and will only admit people up to 5 Minutes following Group Time.  All Groups will be first-come-first serve.  So Be on time.
  • Given the limited time on DOXY.ME calls, clients should already be certain about how they plan to pay for each session.   
For the Conference Call Sessions: All you have to do is dial the telephone number, then enter the PIN number followed by # then follow the directions including the rules below.  
  • In order to conduct a good Conference Call Session you must have a good solid telephone connection and you must know how to easily operate your telephone such that you would be able to use the phone and view an internet blog page (such as this one) at the same time.  
  • You also need to understand fully how to operate your microphone and headphones or speakers.
  • Once you have come into Group and Said, “Hi!”, please sure to temporarily mute your microphone so that there will not be too much white noise in the Group.
  • Remember, if you make any sort of noise while on the calls, everyone else can hear it.  On Conference Calls, extra noises can be very distracting, if not making it impossible to have an effective call session.
  • Due to the Waiting Room Feature, I will also be able to see who is in the Waiting Room and will only admit people up to 5 Minutes following Group Time.  All Groups will be first-come-first serve.  So Be on time. 
  • Given the limited time on Conference calls, clients should already be certain about how they plan to pay for each session.  
If you are interested in attending a DOXY.Me or a Conference Call Session, please text Dr. Beverly at 719-671-7793, and he will give you the information you need to access these services.  Please be sure to do this at least a few hours prior to the session you plan to attend.

Monday, April 6, 2020