Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Ways to Possibly Prevent Domestic Violence-related Thinking, Feelings and Behaviors

  Are you tired to Domestic Violence Treatment Yet?  Are you tired of losing otherwise promising relationships?  Are you tired to going to Court, Probation, and paying, fees, fines and paying for Domestic Violence - related Treatment?

  If so, Please see the below list for some ideas about Ways to Prevent Domestic Violence-related Thinking, Feelings and Behaviors.

  In case you have not yet realized it, this is up to you -- 100% -- This is on you.  Nobody else can do this for you.

  So get to it!!!  What are you waiting for???

Think about it!  What are some Ways to Make it STOP?  

What are some ways to Prevent Domestic Violence in our Futures?

Think about it some more!  

Well, Some Suggestions for getting domestic Violence Thinking, Feeling and Behaviors to STOP, might Include:

  • Learning how to Take Our time in Starting Up Relationships.
  • Learning how to Recognize when a Situation is Escalating in a negative way. 
  • Learning about Our Own Strengths and Weaknesses; rather than focusing on the other person's Strengths and Weaknesses.
  • Learning how to Recognize Our Triggers for Domestic Violence.
    • Learning how to identify my DV Cues (the sensations within me that tell me that Imay be about to do DV or something worse).
    • Learning how to Build our own Confidence enough to where we make sound judgements in difficult situations -- and even judgements about what is best for us as Individuals; rather than always deciding what we think is best for us as a Couple.
    • Learning how to Assess a relationship with a potential Costs / Benefit Analysis.
    • Learning how to recognize when a Relationship is Dangerously Out of Control.
    • Learning how to either Stay Sober or how to Get Help for Staying Sober.
    • Learning how to use our Healthy Support Systems in order to get away from the Danger of either being Victim of DV or becoming a Perpetrator of DV.
    • Learning how to Manage Our Own Emotions; instead of Trying to Manage the other person's Emotions.
    • Learning how to do Grounding Exercises.
    • Learning when and how to Walk Away in a Peaceful and Respectful Manner.


    NOW: Complete Your Session Feedback Forms Here

              -- Always look for the American Flag!

    Always remember to complete your Session Feedback Form after each Session.  Thank you.  And have a nice day.
          Please click here to complete Dr. B's Session Feedback Form.

    And Remember, it is never too early to work on another Treatment Plan -- especially if you have not completed on in the past 10 weeks.        
    Please Click Here to Work on Another Treatment Plan. *

    (c. 2021-2024, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.)

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