Sunday, August 4, 2024

Learning How To Be By Myself


Learning how to be by myself is an essential part of being happy in life.

Even if I have always had people around me, there is still that possibility that one day -- even if it is only for a moment -- I will find myself alone again.  All by myself.  

And I could look at that like a victim and with tremendous sadness.  Or I could look at it as one more paving stone heading back to my garden -- a garden where everything that is growing is a part of me.

Sometimes -- many of us -- do even better by ourselves.  

Some say -- the best thing about being in-between relationships is that we have the opportunity to get to know ourselves again.  

I had to be alone in order to finally hear my own voice again.

I had to spend some time by myself in order to feel myself again. 

Sometimes, we have to think for ourselves -- alone -- JUST for ourselves -- before we can really get our head and our heart back into line.

I have to figure out: "What do I really want?"  


BY THE WAY -- When it comes to DV -- Many of us are MUCH MUCH Better being able to readily adjust to being on our own.  Why?

  Because some of us are in abusive relationships and we will do better mentally, physically, socially, spiritually and possibly even financially if we are no longer subjected to that abuse.

  "“The most dangerous time for a victim is after she leaves her abuser. Leaving an abusive relationship isn't a matter of courage, but it's a matter of not wanting to die.  According to the Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness, 75 percent of homicides related to domestic violence occur after separation.”" (Source.)

  “"Research has shown the risk of domestic homicide becomes highest during the period of separation," said Betty Jo Barrett, an intimate-partner violence researcher and an associate professor in the women's and gender studies program at the University of Windsor.

  "And the intensity of domestic violence escalates when the abused person decides to leave the relationship."

  Many researchers believe it's about power and control, she added.

  When a woman finally says she's leaving the relationship, Barrett explained, abusers may try to escalate their power and control tactics to force the woman to stay.”” (Source.)

  Learning to be alone has many benefits.
  For example, according to Very Well Mind: "“Spending time alone gives you time to focus on your interests. It's an important part of self-development and allows you to get to know yourself. When you are surrounded by others, you might set your own ideas and passions aside to appease the wants and needs of friends and family.”  “Taking time on your own gives you the opportunity to make creative choices and focus your attention without worrying about what other people are thinking.”  (Source.)

  Very Well mind goes on to say that being alone can help one:
  Boost their creativity
  Develop more Empathy
  Improve Relationships
  Very Well Mind even goes far as to suggest that if one is trying to learn how to be alone, the following can be helpful:
  Make a Plan.
  Eliminate Distractions.
  Learn to Value Solitude.  (Source.)


NOW: Complete Your Session Feedback Forms Here

          -- Always look for the American Flag!

Always remember to complete your Session Feedback Form after each Session.  Thank you.  And have a nice day.
      Please click here to complete Dr. B's Session Feedback Form.

And Remember, it is never too early to work on another Treatment Plan -- especially if you have not completed on in the past 10 weeks.        
Please Click Here to Work on Another Treatment Plan. *

(c. 2021-2024, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.)

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