Monday, August 19, 2024

What are My Criminogenic Needs???

 What are your Criminogenic Needs?  Do any of the items on this list seem to relate to you:  (If I have one of these, these are things to work on in my Treatment Plan.)

“Criminogenic Needs are factors in a [justice-involved individual's] life that are directly related to recidivism. 

Research has identified six factors that are directly related to crime: low self-control, anti-social personality, anti-social values, criminal peers, substance abuse and dysfunctional family” (Source).

  • Criminal History; History of Low Self Control:
  • Education (truancy, Low IQ, Learning Disorders, Suspensions/Expulsions) – Poor Grades.  Dropped out.
  • Employment Issues: Typically does not have a job.
  • Financial Issues / Irresponsibility:
  • Dysfunctional Family / Marital: Family of Origin History.
  • Accommodation: Are you lacking a place to live?  (For an Alternative View: Do you tend to just go along with the crowd no matter what they do?)
  • Leisure /Recreation: Not enough vacation time or rest time. 
  • Anti-Social Companions:
  • Alcohol / Drug Problems:
  • Emotional / Personal / Psychological Challenges:
  • Anti-Social Attitude / Orientation:
  • Anti-Social Personality Pattern:


NOW: Complete Your Session Feedback Forms Here

          -- Always look for the American Flag!

Always remember to complete your Session Feedback Form after each Session.  Thank you.  And have a nice day.
      Please click here to complete Dr. B's Session Feedback Form.

And Remember, it is never too early to work on another Treatment Plan -- especially if you have not completed on in the past 10 weeks.        
Please Click Here to Work on Another Treatment Plan. *

(c. 2021-2024, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.)

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