Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Accepting full Responsibility for My Actions and The Impact of My Thinking and My Actions on Others


Accepting full Responsibility for My Actions and The Impact of My Thinking and Actions on Others

  Some people are raised to always accept responsibility for what they do to others.

  But other are raised to get away with whatever they can.

  Like, I am nowhere near perfect in a moral sense -- I have definitely done wrong in my life.  And sometimes, I did own up to it.  I blamed it on others.  I did not accept responsibility for it.

  But still, I have conscience that tells me that when I do such a thing it is wrong.  I have a conscience because my mother would hardly ever defend me what someone else was angry at me.  So I had to deal with it.

  Others are raised by parents who defend them no matter what they do -- right or wrong.  What does this teach a child?  Do what you want to do.. .it don't matter who you hurt... Just walk away.. Shine it on...  We have probably all known people like that.

  DVOMB Core Competency "E" states that everyone with a DV-Related Offense should Accept the full Responsibility for their actions and the impact of their actions on others.  More specifically, it says:

E. Accept full responsibility for actions:

   1. Disclose his or her history of abuse

   2. Stop One's Self from denial and minimization

   3. Increase One's use of self-disclosure over time

   4. Accepts Responsibility for the Impact of Abuse on others; and

   5. Recognize that Abusive Behavior is Unacceptable

  Like most every other topic when studying Domestic Violence Prevention, there are words that are commonly used and that seem pretty simple.  Many are included in this Core Competency; however, some may have a slightly different meaning when applied to DV Prevention.  For example: 

  • Accepting full Responsibility for My Actions.
    • What does this look like?  

  • What does the phrase "My Actions" include (My Thinking (which might be based on my feelings and my perceptions), My Behaviors, Outward Manifestations).
    • What does this look like?  

  • The Impact of My Thinking on Others.
    • What does this look like?  

  • The Impact of My Actions on Others.
    • What does this look like?  

  • The Impact of My Thinking and My Actions on My Self.
    • What does this look like?  

  • My History of Abuse.
    • What does this look like?  

  • Stop My (or Rescue Myself) Self from Denial.
    • What does this look like?  

  • Rescue My Self from Minimization.
    • What does this look like? 

  • Increase My Use of Self Disclosure over time.
    • What does this look like?  

  • Accepts Responsibility for the Impact of My Abuse on Others.
    • What does this look like?  

  • Recognizes that My Abusive Behavior is Unacceptable.
    • What does this look like?  


NOW: Complete Your Session Feedback Forms Here

          -- Always look for the American Flag!

Always remember to complete your Session Feedback Form after each Session.  Thank you.  And have a nice day.
      Please click here to complete Dr. B's Session Feedback Form.

And Remember, it is never too early to work on another Treatment Plan -- especially if you have not completed on in the past 10 weeks.        
Please Click Here to Work on Another Treatment Plan. *

(c. 2021-2024, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.)

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