Sunday, December 11, 2022

Dr. Beverly's Domestic Violence Treatment Orientation (Initial Introductory Intake Phase): What Everyone Needs to Know BEFORE Starting DV Treatment

Before you try to Enroll in Dr. Beverly's Domestic Violence Treatment Program; Please Read EVERY WORD Below for Intake and Evaluation Instructions about the necessary Steps and Processes; and also read below about Important Forms to Complete, DV Group Schedules, Fees, and Payment Methods.

  A Word about Texting or Emailing:   
  Given Doctor Beverly's schedule; it is almost ALWAYS better to TEXT or EMAIL him rather than calling him.  And Text is better than Email.  If you are able to TEXT or Email Doctor Beverly, then please always do that rather than calling.  The one exception to this is that if it is time for your appointment and you are scheduled to meet with Doctor Beverly at this time, please call him if he does not call you.
  If you need information about Session Locations, please send Doctor Beverly an email using the Contact Form on the sidebar to your Right.
  Please keep reading this document all the way to the bottom -- until you fully understand it; before doing anything else.  If you read this and you still have questions, please TEXT Doctor Beverly.

 (Important: If you are using a Phone to view this page, you may need to scroll all the way down to the bottom of your screen and press "View Web Version".  Then you will be able to view the Contact Form as well as the Paypal / Debit / Credit Payment Form.)  Otherwise, please text Doctor B at 719-671-7793.

  BUT Please DO NOT go to any of 
Doctor Beverly's Physical Locations until you have read the rest of this Post, you understand it fully and you have followed all of the Directions below.  If you have any questions about the meaning of anything here; please TEXT Doctor Beverly and ask. Do not CALL unless you are incapable of sending a Text or a Message via the Message Form to the Right.

Before Starting Your Domestic Violence Offender Treatment: 

  YOU, and Everyone else must first complete the Intake / Evaluation Process as described below:  
  The DV Intake/ Evaluation is a 8-step process.  In order to complete your DV Intake/ Eval., you must do all of the following: 
  • Step 2. Decide which of the Scheduled Group Sessions is best for you in Your Area (See List of Scheduled Groups Here).  TREATMENT SETTINGS: Please NOTE: (All of Dr. B's DV Treatment Sessions are In-Person at this point in time except for those persons who due to serious Disability or other debilitating circumstances that make it literally impossible for this person to attend In-Person.  In order to conduct any sessions remotely (as of October 1, 2022) both Dr. B and the Client must have special equipment and software.  If any remote sessions are scheduled, this must be by Special Prior Arrangement with Dr. B and they will be billed at the higher Individual Session Rate.)  
  • Step 3. Notify Doctor Beverly of your intent to enroll in DV Treatment (by texting Doctor Beverly at 719-671-7793 (preferred) or email him at  Or your can use the Email Contact Form on the sidebar here (down this page and to the Right).  
    • Be sure to TEXT or EMAIL him an idea of which Days and Times you might be available for an appointment over the next 3 weeks.
    • Once you have completed your DV Evaluation; be sure to send Dr. Beverly a TEXT or EMAIL indicating in your message to Doctor Beverly, which Group (date & time) you plan to show up to every week.  But you must complete your Evaluation first.
  • Step 4. Be Prepared to Begin Your Evaluation Process.  
    •  -- Go to this session prepared to start your DV Evaluation process.  In order to begin this process, you must be on time.  

ONLY AFTER COMPLETING The Steps Above may you continue to Step 5.
  • Step 5. You will complete your Evaluation Intake Paperwork at this time -- so be prepared to read and to write (bring a pen with black or dark blue ink.  And bring your reading glasses if you need them.)
  • Step 6.  Your Interview Appointments will be scheduled following this session and the completion of your paperwork / Intake Packet.  You must complete your Intake Packet and Computer Testing, your Evaluation, and Initial Treatment Planning Session in order to being your DV Treatment.   (QUESTION: Are you able to pick up your Intake Packet at one of Doctor B's Offices (Alamosa, Monte Vista, Trinidad or Walsenburg)?  If so, please text Doctor B and ask him when might be a good time for you to pick this packet up.  
  • Step 7.  Based on your Information, Doctor Beverly and the Multidisciplinary Treatment Team (MTT) will determine your Treatment Level.  They will also decide which type of Treatment is best for you at this time (Group or Individual).  Further -- depending on your Treatment Level -- you may be assigned to also participate in a 2nd Clinical Contact Treatment that could include Mental Health Treatment (Therapy), Psychosocial Wellbeing Enhancement Treatment, Substance Abuse Treatment, or MRT.
  • Step 8.  You begin your DV Treatment.    

There are numerous rules related to DV Treatment.  Getting Started in DV Treatment requires that you know about these Rules Below as well as others: 

-- Please keep in mind the following regarding DV Treatment in Colorado:
  • 1. All fees are due at the time services are rendered.  Fees are easy to pay every week by using the PayPal / Debit / Credit Buttons on the Upper-Right Corner of this Page.
  • 2. Group Treatment Sessions generally last 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  • 3. Active Participation in every Session is required of all participants.
  • 4. All Participants should conduct themselves with utmost Respect for everyone at all times.  This included Respect for all Facilities.
  • 5. There is no set number of Sessions that a person has to complete in order to be Successfully Discharged from DV Treatment.  The average Client with less than 3 absences completes DV Treatment within 6-to-9 months.
  • 6. Successful Discharge from DV Treatment depends on Treatment Attendance and Progress as determined by Doctor B and the MTT.  
  • 7. During Treatment, ALL Worksheets, Forms and other Assignments must be completed BOTH during Treatment Sessions and at home (when necessary).  All Homework Assignments must be completed on time as well.
  • 8. All Participants in DV Treatment are required to maintain a sense of Sobriety.  This means that if a participant has either 1-to-3 Hot UA's (or other substance tests), misses 1-to-3 substance tests (or call-ins), or provides 1-to-3 diluted substance tests, this Participant may be Discharged as Unsuccessful from DV Treatment, or at the very least, put on Leave until Sobriety is again demonstrated.
  • 9. If you are assigned a 2nd Clinical Contact, you must consistently attend that Treatment as well, until you are successfully Discharged.  Anyone with more than 2 absences (for any reason) during their course of Treatment may be Discharged as Unsuccessful and will be required to start over again.
  • 10. In order to successfully complete DV Treatment, all Fees must be paid in full.  Additionally, in order to be transferred to another Provider; or in order to be Re-admitted to DV Treatment with this Provider, all Fees must be paid in full.  
  • 11. In order to Graduate from DV Treatment, consistent attendance and significant progress in terms of Accountability, Empathy is required in order to successfully complete DV Treatment.
  • 12. No Call / No Show Fees: The Evaluation Interview fee is included in the $100 Intake/Evaluation fee; however, if a client schedules an Interview session and misses the session without giving Doctor Beverly 24-hr prior notice, the $10 No-Call / No-Show Fee (NC/NS fee) for the missed session must be paid in full prior to continuing.  Following your Evaluation, you will start attending DV Group Treatment Sessions.  

Friday, December 9, 2022

Getting Ahead Of Our Domestic Violence Behavior: Learning How To Think More Carefully Before We Wish We Had

Consider this Philosophical Proposition:

  Try not to allow the Epistemology around a significant Ontology to be colored or covered up by your (or anyone else's) sense of Morality.  

  In other words: When trying to determine What Something Is; try not to allow your vision to get distorted by What you think that Something Should Be

  Once we determine precisely What Is; there will probably be plenty of time to eventually determine What Should Be.

  Unfortunately, we don't always see WHAT IS, because quite often, we are instead too busy looking at what we want, or thinking about what we think should be. 

  Yes, What Should be can be an important thing especially in Relationships.  And many of us strive to manifest it on a daily basis.  And we also spend time trying to prevent What Should Not Be.

  However What Is, already Is; regardless of what should be.  What is may change over time; however, What Is; still exists until it exists no longer. 

  In regards to Relationships, perhaps we might think that "Relationships should never change or end."  However, because CHANGE is Constant; Many Relationships do end, and they also tend to Change.  They just do.  What Is, is that we sometimes feel that our Relationships Should NEVER CHANGE or END; However, Relationships tend to end (or at least they tend to change) over time.  And we can't always stop that -- can we?

  Further, it is a MORAL IMPERITIVE that before one can claim that a Relationship SHOULD BE; they really must know for sure that EVERYONE directly Involved in this Relationship, also believes that this Relationship SHOULD BE.  

  In other words, the way to have a Healthy and /or a Good Relationship is for BOTH Partners to WANT THIS RELATIONSHIP to happen.

  Although when Relationships are in the midst of Changing or Ending; we sometimes try to keep them from doing so; we often have to accept that this is beyond our control.  Hence, at times, it seems kind of crazy to try and stop a Change in a Relationship -- especially if we truly love someone. 

   If Love is the willingness to allow someone to be exactly who or what or how they are right now, and then right now... and so on and so on...; then If I LOVE someone and they decide to make a change; then why would I try to stop them -- unless of course this change could put them in danger?

  In other words; Sometimes, what we think SHOULD BE; is not always WHAT IS.

  I also propose that a great deal of Domestic Violence type thinking, feeling and behavior happens when one or both Partners in a Relationship are either trying to STOP a CHANGE in the Relationship; or they are trying to CREATE a CHANGE in the Relationship.  There is data that supports the idea that a great deal of DV happens within months of a break-up -- either before or after the break-up.

Dealing with Change in Relationships:

  CHANGE is Constant in Relationships.  People are ALWAYS Changing on various levels, including: Physical, Social, Psychological, Spiritual, Financial, Intellectual, Educational, Vocational, Physiological etc...  

  To many people CHANGE is a good thing.  But to others, it's not.  However, CHANGE still Happens.

  Further, a great deal of PAIN around Relationships comes and/or goes away seemingly in direct relation to the Changes in a Relationship.  However, some Changes also bring JOY.

Valuing and Prevention

  In order to understand something; we must first have a good sense of the FACTS.  We need to know What It Is.  And then we can figure out What it Should Be.  It also helps to have an idea about whether or not this phenomenon is something of value. 

 Typically, we need to know what something is before we know its value.  Only after we establish precisely what it is, can we know its VALUE; such as whether or not it is A GOOD THING OR A BAD THING.  If it is a GOOD Thing for all concerned; perhaps it is very valuable and it SHOULD BE.  But if it is NOT a GOOD Thing for all concerned; perhaps it is not very valuable, and it SHOULD NOT BE.  

  Speaking of Value, a wise person once said something to the effect of: "An ounce of Prevention is worth a pound of cure."  Hence, Prevention is worth more than Cure.  It's often smarter to prevent a mess; than it is to have to clean it up afterwards.  Hence, where should we put our efforts?

  Knowledge about something before it happens often gives us the power to more effectively prevent it; or shape it.  That is, if we have that much power.  After all, we cannot control that which we cannot control.  But working early to prevent something is a way to gain much-needed strength.  Prevention requires thinking.  Prevention can be as simple as taking a moment to examine the facts and think before we act.  

Thinking Before We Act:

  Just think; What might have happened in my DV Case, had I been ABLE AND WILLING to think more carefully and to consider BOTH What I WANTED TO HAPPEN and THE FACTS at some point before I did what I did?

  Many believe they were NOT Thinking prior to, or during their DV Offense.  However, the Human Brain regulates and monitors sensations and behaviors 24/7.  This requires either active thinking or passive cognitive processes.  We tend to do some form of Thinking almost 24 hours per day, every day.   Hence, it is almost certain that we were Thinking Before, During and After our DV Offense -- even if we were intoxicated or just highly emotional -- we were thinking at some time before that offense.  But, the catch is that we are not always aware that we are Thinking.  But still we are Thinking.  The better question would be; Were we thinking rationally at that time?  

  One problem is that we often forget to use our Logic when it comes to our Relationships.  We tend to go with our Feelings in Relationships instead.  And sometimes, that doesn't work out too good. 

  For example; if i was drinking or drugging while in this Relationship -- Prior to my DV offense -- a rational question could be: Did I consider the FACTS about the possible negative outcomes of drinking or drugging on the possibility that I could some day be arrested for DV?  Probably not.  Yet a great deal of DV happens to involve Alcohol.  Hence, was it logical to be drinking or drugging while in this Relationship?    

  And the same goes for high emotion or high distraction.  If we are highly emotional or highly distracted, it is quite possible that we are going to make a poor choice, Right?  

  Or if I feel that much of the blame for my DV Offense lies in the hands of my Victim; Prior to my DV offense, did I consider the FACTS and probable outcomes of getting involved with a person like this on the possibility that I could some day be arrested for DV?  Is it Logical to get involved with a person who is dangerous for me?

  Perhaps we need to develop some techniques that will help us do a better job of thinking when it comes to Relationships.

Possible Steps for Thinking it Through -- Just Ideas.. not a Recipe:

  Consider these ten ideas -- Particularly in regard to your Relationships -- especially before they start and during challenging times and during endings. 

  The point is to learn to be more careful with our relationships through more sound decision-making.  None of us are necessarily going to follow all of the steps below.  But if we at least try to consider some of them, we might have some good results:

1. Stop -- Slow down - Take your time -- Think before you do it!  (As much as possible).

2. Be Clear with yourself about What YOU really Want -- What you want is what you think SHOULD BE.  Or at least think about what you DON'T want in a partner.  And you get bonus points if you can do this before you get too involved. 

3. Pay Attention to the FACTS as you go -- Get REAL CLEAR about WHAT IS.  Be honest with yourself about what you are seeing in front of you right now.

4. Think about whether or not there is a Possibility that you could influence a Change in this Situation (i.e., if you ask her out, will she go with you?).  (Remember, a change could be as small as calling your sweetheart, "Babe", instead "Honey" for a few months; or a Change could be as large as Starting or Ending a Relationship).

5. Before you make this Change, consider the possible OUTCOMES (Negative and Positive).  (Learn how to do a Cost-Benefit AnalysisAnd be sure to consider your potential costs first).

6. Make a Decision To Act; or To NOT Act.  (Remember, it is often good to NOT Act unless you must).

7. If you still want to make this Change, then Make a PLAN for Action first.  (You can do this in your head even -- Roadmap the situation.  Get your Mission on.)

8. When you are ready, engage in your Action; making necessary Adjustments or additional Changes as needed;  (Hint;  Look back at Number 1... and consider the probability that most people might start here at Number 8, instead of at Number 1.  How might that influence the Outcome?)

9. Critically (Honestly) Assess your New Situation, and your Results -- Both Bad and Good (Think about it: Who Benefited from my actions?  Who Lost?  Was it a Good Thing for me?  Was it Worth It for Everyone Else?).

10. Either Continue moving forward, or wait for a while, or move backwards, or Stop the Action altogether.  (Sounds a lot easier than it is; right?)


 Moving Forward in a Smarter Way:  Complimenting the above steps... 


  When presented with the opportunity to either pursue, begin, continue, modify, alter, change, or end a Relationship; carefully consider the potential costs and benefits before you act.  (Hint: Consider the possible COSTS first -- and repeat...).  

  Ask yourself the following Questions:

  1. What change am I presently thinking that I would like to make?  (And don't forget about the other changes that could probably happen; after I make this change?  (Can you say domino effect?) 

  2. Am I ready for the DOMINO effect changes as well?  Is my potential partner ready and willing for this change to happen? And How might these changes effect me and everyone else?)

  3. Why do I want to make a change regarding this situation?  Does this Need to happen or is it just something I want?  Furthermore, does it really need to happen right now?  Am I in Lust or am I in Love?

  4. How might this Change Impact Others?  How might this Change Impact me if it impacts others?  Is it worth the possible costs or the possible benefits?  

  4. Is this change truly within my grasp to where I could actually make my part of it happen?  (Consider that which you can control; versus that which you cannot control.  And remember, if you have to force something too much; you might just break it).

  5. If I start to try and make a change, what things could possibly happen then?  

 A. What negative things could possibly happen -- what are the Risk Factors?  

 B. What Positive things could possibly happen as a result of this change?  Is it            worth it? 

          1. If these things happen, who could be directly impacted either Negatively                        or Positively.

          2. Overall, who could be harmed by the possible impacts of this change?

          3. Overall, who could be helped by the possible impacts of this change?


Also Remember: If you feel a need to, you may ask these questions in an order different from the way they are presented above; or you may add questions or discard questions to ask yourself.  However, it is typically best to be as thorough as possible -- no matter what your method -- in order to avoid problematic or even dangerous outcomes.

A Curative Suggestion: Becoming a Life-long Learner can probably help

  Pay Attention.  Learn the differences between wishes and facts.  And Learn how to Question your own perceptions, thinking, feelings, plans, actions and evaluations -- hopefully, before it's too late.  

  Instead of trying to focus on the other person's mind and what they are thinking right now; make sure your own mind is clear about what you are thinking right now.

  Always be willing to ask yourself: What do I really know about this person who is sitting right here in front of me?

  And always be willing to learn something new -- especially when it's about someone or something that you think you already know.

* Please Click HERE to Complete Your Moving Forward Smarter Worksheet. *

*** And always remember to complete your Session Feedback Form after each Session (Below). 

Please click here to complete Dr. B's Session Feedback Form.

Music: "What is and What Should Never Be" by Led Zepplin

            "Call it Stormy Monday" by BB King

            "When the Rain Comes" By The Beatles

            "Sweet Melissa" By The Allman Brothers

            "Cruel to be Kind" By Nick Lowe

   Thank you.  And have a nice day.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Dr. B's New Schedule of Group Sessions IS CHANGING again. Check it out!

PLEASE NOTE:  This Is the New DV Treatment Group Schedule.  In the future, it may change.  Be Sure To Read This Entire Post and Form Here, Click on all of the Links (below), Complete of the Linked Forms that these Links lead to, and Follow the Instructions Below throughout your DV Treatment. Thank you!

(This NEW Schedule of Groups Begins November 9th, 2022.)

 Please read these Top Ten Essentials:

1. TREATMENT SETTINGS: Please NOTE: (All of Dr. B's DV Treatment Sessions are In-Person at this point in time except for those persons who due to serious Disability or other debilitating circumstances that make it literally impossible for this person to attend In-Person.  In order to conduct any sessions remotely (as of October 1, 2022) both Dr. B and the Client must have special equipment and software.  If any remote sessions are scheduled, this must be by Special Prior Arrangement with Dr. B and they will be billed at the higher Individual Session Rate.)  

2. JUMPING GROUPS: If you are planning to start attending a Group that you have never attended, or if you are planning to attend a Group that you normally do not attend, please try to let Dr. B know about this at least 24 hours in advance of that Group Session.  And please do so via Text message.  

3. IN-PERSON GROUP DISCLOSURE: It is important that if attending an In-person Group that you complete this In-Person Group Session Attendance Disclosure & Consent Form prior to attending).

4. GROUP LOCATIONS: If you plan to attend one of these Groups and you do not know where they are, please TEXT Dr. B. and he will send you the address.

5. COMPLETING WORKSHEETS: Please note that regardless of how a person attends any DV Session, she/he is responsible for completing the Worksheet(s) for that DV Session online on that day.  The link for Worksheets is typically at or near the bottom of the Blog Entry for that week.  So every time you attend a Group, you will be expected to complete the weekly DV Topic Worksheet (typically done online) that will be Linked to the Weekly Topic on the Blog which can be found at this Link here: Dr Bs DV Prevention & Education Blog or  at   It is your responsibility to get these done every week.  If you have a challenge that makes it impossible for you to complete your work this way; or if you need help learning how to do this, it is your responsibility to get help from someone you know with this task, or to TEXT Dr. B and get help with this task.  It is important that you understand that if these worksheets are not completed, you cannot complete your DV Treatment. 

6. SESSION FEEDBACK FORMS: Each Time you Attend a DV Treatment Session, you will also be required to complete a Session Feedback Form (typically done online) that can be found on the Blog anywhere you find an American Flag on this Blog, or AT THIS LINK RIGHT HERE.  Or just go the Link listed below:  Sometimes -- but rarely --  Worksheets and Feedback forms can be completed on paper if provided by Dr. Beverly.  Either way, it is your responsibility to see that your weekly Worksheets and Feedback Forms are completed before you finish your DV Treatment. It is your responsibility to get these done every week.  If these are not completed, you cannot complete your DV Treatment.

7. PAYING FOR YOUR TREATMENT SESSIONS: Please also note that regardless of how a person attends any DV Session, she/he is also responsible for paying the fee for the Group Session online or in-person at the time of the Session.  Every client is required to pay for their DV Treatment Services every week as they attend.  Please CLICK THIS LINK RIGHT HERE to learn about how to pay for your DV Treatment, or just go to this Link listed here.   If these payments are not made in full, you cannot complete your DV Treatment.

8. ABSENCES: Also, if you miss a week of DV Treatment, you are required to complete an Absence Attestation form which is AT THIS LINK RIGHT HERE, or may also be located by using this Link listed here:  If these attestations are not completed, you cannot complete your DV Treatment.  Also Please Note: Once you start attending one of these Groups, it is best if you stick with the same Group throughout your Treatment.  It is also best to NOT miss more than 2 Sessions throughout the course of your treatment.  Anyone with 3 or more absences may be subject to involuntary discharge.

9. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY: You should know about, understand and do every task as described above every week.  This is your responsibility.  If you get behind, it is your responsibility to keep up with where you are.  And it is your responsibility to catch up right away..

10. ALWAYS BE RESPECTFUL: Please keep in mind that this DV Treatment is being provided by skilled professionals with the intent of helping you improve your life, improve your relationships, and complete your Court, Probation, Diversion or Parole requirements.  Please always be respectful to Staff, Fellow Clients, and the Facility.  And please remember that confidentiality about who you see here and what they say here while in Group Sessions is an essential part of showing Respect.  Thank you.

Misc FORM LINKS: Please complete the following forms BEFORE attending any more DV SessionsThe Top 10 Treatment Essentials AgreementGroup Treatment Consent Form and the Making Payments and Settling Balances Agreement.  <<< DV Session Feedback Form >>>.  All Clients are Required to complete these forms found at these link on this page. As a Reminder: Be prepared to pay for your Treatment when you arrive at the Location (Card or Cash).  If you have any other questions about Paying for Your Treatment Sessions, please CLICK HERE.  Also, please find these links and more at the bottom of this page and at various other places on this BLOG.

Thank you.

NEW Schedule of Dr. B's DV Groups (as of November 9th, 2022):


-- WOMEN's Walsenburg Mon. Afternoon DV Group (In-Person)  [Mondays at 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.]

-- MEN's Trinidad Mon. Afternoon DV Group (In-Person)  [Mondays at 1 to 2:30 p.m.]

-- WOMEN's Trinidad Mon. Evening DV Group (In-Person)  [Mondays at 6 to 7:30 p.m.]


-- WOMEN's Monte Vista Tues. Afternoon DV Group (In-Person Only)  [Tuesdays at 2 to 3:30 p.m.]

-- MEN's Monte Vista Tues. Early Evening DV Group (In-Person). [Tuesdays at 4 to 5:30 p.m.]

-- MEN's Alamosa Tues. Evening DV Group (In-Person). 
[Tuesdays at 7 to 8:30 p.m.]


-- MEN's Alamosa Weds. Morning DV Group (In Person.) [Wednesdays at 9 am to 10:30 a.m.)]

-- WOMEN's Alamosa Weds. Afternoon DV      
Group (In Person). [Wednesdays 1 to 2:30 p.m.] 

-- MEN's Alamosa Weds. Evening DV Group (In Person).  
[Wednesdays 6 p.m.. to 7:30 p.m.]    


-- MEN's Walsenburg Thurs. Evening DV Group (In-Person).  [Thurs 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.]


-MEN's Trinidad Fri. Evening DV Group (In-Person).  [Fri. from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.]

Feel free to Text Dr. B. if you have any questions after completing each of the forms below:

CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE The Top 10 Treatment Essentials Agreement

  *** Please click on this Link Here in order to Review

and Complete the NEW Group Consent Form. *** 

>>> And ALSO, Please Click Here to Complete the 

Paying for DV Treatment and Paying Balances Form. <<<

<<< DV Session Feedback Form >>>

(Post Revised 11/09/2022; Originally Published Tuesday, September 14, 2021)

Monday, November 14, 2022

Understanding The DV Incident Checklist

What is the Domestic Violence INCIDENT CHECKLIST?
  The Domestic Violence Incident Checklist is a form that contains a number of very basic labels or descriptions of Domestic Violence - types of behaviors that can lead to Criminal Charges.
  This Checklist sometimes helps
during a DV Offense -- or a series of DV Offenses, Police, District Attorneys, Victim Advocates, Victims, Offenders, Probation Officers and DV Offender Treatment Providers more readily understand what has reportedly happened 
  Better still, this Checklist makes it much easier for a Victim (or an alleged Victim) of DV to report what she or he has experienced during the (alleged) DV Offense. 
  It is important to understand that just because something is not on this list; it does not mean that it is not DV.  Some DV Behaviors are probably not contained in this list.   

Why is this Checklist Important to People Who Have Been Charged with DV?
  This is a super easy way for a person who has been Accused, Convicted or taken a Plea with a Domestic Violence Enhancer to better understand precisely what he / she has been accused of doing and/or may have actually done; that is considered illegal behavior.

This Checklist -- within the Context of This Domestic Violence Treatment -- is about Prevention.
   How can this Checklist help prevent DV?  It is simple: Never do any of the behaviors that are described in this Checklist.  Like NEVER!!!  Even if you find yourself thinking about doing one or more of these things to someone, please get help.  Think about it.  Take a time out.  Do anything -- other than hurting yourself or anyone else -- you need to do in order to prevent yourself from doing that.  
  Why not do any of these behaviors?  ..... Really?  Doing any of these behaviors can cause serious physical or emotional harm to the victim as well as to witnesses -- especially children.  And doing such behaviors can also cause you to get another DV Charge.. 

What if I was accused of doing something on this Checklist, but I did not do it?
  Unfortunately, at this point, you would not be in the DV Treatment with Dr. B if you had not been either been Convicted of DV, Taken a Plea for DV, or Been Placed on Diversion as a result of a DV Charge.  Dr. B cannot change your charges or anything like that.  If you have additional questions about that, you can always speak to an Attorney.

What if I did not do any of the things on this Checklist?
  Good for you!  One possibility is that you were totally framed and/or someone lied about you to the Police.  And you are totally innocent.  
  However, here you are with charges.  If that is the case, then one naturally asks: 
  • Are you still with this person? 
  • Would it not be Risky to stay with this person after they have done this to you?  
  • Why are you still with this person?

What behaviors are included on the DV Incident Checklist?
  People who fill out this form are asked also to clarify the following as they check off items:
  • Location Where Abuse Occurred
  • Date(s) of Incident(s)
  • Physical Injury, if Any
  • Police Contact?
    Those who fill out one of these Checklists are also advised of the following: 
"WARNING: This form is provided to help you prepare for your hearing. You may keep it or you may file it with your complaint. IF YOU DO FILE IT, IT WILL BECOME A PART OF THE PUBLIC RECORD AND WILL BE SERVED ON THE RESPONDENT AS A PART OF THE COMPLAINT."

    Note: These are the Items listed on the DV Incident Checklist (Each of these might constitute Abuse in and of itself; or in combination with other behaviors that are or are not on this list): 
  1. Name-calling/Directed Use of Obscenities
  2. Threatening/Harassing Phone Calls
  3. Threat to Injure Self
  4. Threat to Injure Others
  5. Threat by Physical or Sexual Abuse to Children
  6. Threat by Displaying or Pointing Weapon, or by Access to Weapon
  7. Threat by Cruelty to Animals
  8. Threat by Following
  9. Threat by Damage to Property
  10. Throwing Things
  11. Grabbing
  12. Shoving or Pushing
  13. Forcing Sexual Contact
  14. Physically Abusing Children in Household
  15. Sexually Abusing Children in Household
  16. Slapping (with an open hand)
  17. Punching (with a closed fist)
  18. Kicking
  19. Using Weapon
  20. Biting
  21. Choking or Strangling
  22. Beating
  23. Forcing Other to Stay in Closet, Room, Homes, or Other Locations

  When digesting this list, one way to look at it is to accept that all the behaviors on there can be illegal.  But in some cases, certain behaviors will be present, and it is clearly wrongful behavior; however, in some cases, the Charge does not contain it.  On the other hand, sometimes the DA might stick what seem to be extra charges onto the Charge Sheet in order to influence someone to take a plea.  

  What are some Questions that you might have regarding the items on this list?

  Perhaps the next thing to do after understanding this list and how it is used would be to work out ways of preventing this sort of behavior.  This begins with accepting the fact that this behavior is never acceptable.

   Think about this.  What kinds of things can a person do to stop such behaviors, before they happen?

(Originally Posted. 9/7/2020). 
 (c. 2020, William T. Beverly, Ph.D., LCSW, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.).