Monday, September 19, 2022

In Order For Me To Successfully Complete DV Treatment and Fly On Out Of Here, I MUST be able to Check Off Every One of the Following Items:

>>> I Must have made sufficient progress such that I am not at all likely to have more DV my life -- The MTT must approve this.

>>> I Must have mastered skills that will help me have healthier relationships  -- The MTT must approve this.

>>> I Must have completed the assigned Worksheets for EVERY WEEK that I was in Treatment.

>>> I Must have Paid Off My Balance in Full.

>>> I Must have Completed an Absence Attestation for Every Absence that I have had since my Intake.

>>> If I have missed more than 3 Sessions during my tenure in DV Offender Treatment, I will have to have special permission from Dr. B. in order to continue with my DV Treatment.

>>> I Must have Completed My Session Feedback Form For Every Session that I have Attended.

>>> I Must have Completed My Treatment Plans for every 3 Months in Treatment.

(First Posted 1/10/2022).

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