Sunday, November 6, 2022

Partner Qualities: What Type of Person am I? And What Type of Person Would I Like to Have in my Life? What do I really need in a Relationship?

  Sometimes the person who we are when we first meet someone is a good bit different from the person we become while in a relationship.  Sometimes this might be good.  But other times -- all too many times -- this can be tragic.

  Did you ever wish you could stop and really exam how you are in Relationships?  Or even look at how your prospective partners might be in a Relationship -- before you get into the relationship with them?  If you answer is "No", then realize that this is a pretty natural thing.  It is natural for humans to want to find mates.  And sometimes we feel so awful without a mate that we are not as selective or choosy as we should be.

  Hence, we end up in trouble -- sometimes BIG Trouble!

  If you don't like getting into trouble, then perhaps it could it be beneficial to develop some good insights into why your relationships sometimes turn out the way they do -- whether good or bad?

  And it seems logical to assume that one of the greatest influences on how we behave in relationships could have something to do with the kind of person we are.  Or with the type of person we are -- if there is a difference.

  So whether I am already in a Relationship; or I am not currently in a Relationship but I want- or don't want to be in that Relationship; questions around the idea of What Type of Person I am; and What Type of Person I might like to have in my life can be very important.  Exploring this might help us out for a number of reasons.  It could definitely give us some useful insights.

  Did you ever really stopped to think: What Type of Person am I?  When I am in a Relationship, do I tend to feel, think, react or act in certain ways that either encourage the relationship to last; or even destroy the relationship?  A very honest look at this can quite possibly bring a bounty of wisdom.

  But then we really must remember that it takes two to have a relationship.  So it's not only about me and how I think, feel and behave.  But it's also about my partner and how they are.

  All this begs the question: What Type of Person am I?  What Type of Person Would I Like to Have in my Life?  And what exactly do I need in a Relationship?

  Like am I the type of person that brings out the furious anger in a mate?  -- Not that it's my fault if they are abusive though.  Do I just tendency to push a few too many buttons sometimes?

  Or am I a person who is easy to love on a daily basis?

  Think about it:  What kind of person are you?  Are you easy to live with?  Are you an easy lover?  Or Are you difficult to handle?  If so, do want change that?  The first step to changing anything is to have a good understanding of what is going on.

Or, Look at it This Way:  Another related set of important questions could be:   
  What kind of person would you like to have in your life?  One who is easy to live with?  One who is an easy lover?  Or one who is difficult to handle?
  Then ask -- what are some of the characteristics of a person (self or other) who is Easy to live with for you?  
  Or ask -- what are some of the characteristics of a person (like you) who is Easy to live with for you?

  In other words: What do I really want a person to be like that I would want to get involved with? 
  And then ask, What would that person want me to be like if we were in a relationship?

 After this, one can even go on to think about what exactly do I feel like I need in a Relationship?  And other things like that as well.

  Thinking about these things before diving deeper into an existing relationship; or before striking up a new relationship might help us to avoid pitfalls as well as help us to have better relationships in the future.

Relationship-Related Qualities (Good and Bad) That Some People tend to have:

  Try this Partial List of Relationship-Related Qualities (good and bad) that some people tend to have in Relationships.  Then for each quality ask yourself: 
  •   Does this quality describe me and how I am in a Relationship?  And...
  •   Does this quality describe the kind of person I would like to be with in a Relationship?








Straight Edge



Adult Child

Brutally Honest




Very Serious


Really Smart















Straight Up

Religious / Spiritual

Daddy's Girl / Mama's Boy







Dwells on the Past










Waiting for to be told what to do

A Real Go-Getter

A Disappointment


Attractive or Cute









  So First, we go through this list (or another list -- you can add to it if you like) and we figure out some good information about who we are.

  And then next, we go through and think about who we really want in our life?

  This is probably a useful exercise because some people an be extremely easy to get along with at first.  But once they get into a relationship, they can be really hard to deal with.  And it really does not have to be that way.

  In other words, it can be heartbreaking when one learns that person they got involved with is nothing like the person who they thought they were in the beginning.  

So Again: Think About It.  What type of person are you in relationships?  And what type of person would you like to be with in a relationship?

*** Click Here to Complete Your 

Qualities of Self and Partners 

in Relationships Worksheet ***

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