Sunday, December 1, 2024

Can Old Proverbs from Around the World help Prevent Domestic Violence; Or Preventing DV Through Adherence to Worldly Proverbs

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  Is it possible that Old Proverbs from Around the World could help us have healthier relationships?  Could understanding a Proverb help Prevent Domestic Violence?    If so,  Which Proverbs Below could be applied to Suggestive statements aimed at Prevention of Domestic violence?

  According to AI, A Proverb is: "a short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice."  Or "a brief popular epigram or maxim".

Proverbs from around the World; Throughout History:   Think about it; How do any of the following proverbs apply preventing DV or having healthier, happier relationships?

1. "He who shakes his neighbor's house will have his own house shaken." (Swiss Proverb)

  {Response: What one does to shake up their partner could come back to them.}

2. "If a person eats his fill, he cannot taste the bread." (Scottish Proverb)

  {Response: If one simply takes all the attention they can get from anyone who gives it; then one might not understand the quality of the attention they get from their partner.}

3. "If you don't know how to smile, don't open a shop." (Chinese Proverb)

  {Response: If you don't know how to love then don't get into a relationship.}

4. "Good looks are the strongest recommendation." (English Proverb)

  {Response: If he or she is good-looking, they might be very abusive.}

5. "Doing good deeds without expectation of reward is like pouring perfume into the sea." (Polish Proverb)

  {Response: .}

6. "To know the progress of a nation, look at its women." (French Proverb)

  {Response: .}

7. "We often see things differently because we only read the title." (American Proverb)

  {Response: Looks, reputation and social status can be deceiving.}

8. "Other people's mistakes are always clearer than our own." (Russian Proverb)

  {Response: We often blame our partners for our own bad steps.}

9. "Contentment is half of happiness." (Italian Proverb)  [Content is "in a state of peaceful happiness."]

  {Response: The couple is not necessarily going to be content unless both are happy.}

10. "Every man creates his own destiny." (English Proverb)

  {Response: The relationship's are created by the participants.  If a relationship is going to be successful, both partners need to work to create it that way..}

11. "Adorn your mind with knowledge, not your body with jewels." (Chinese Proverb)

  {Response: Knowledge in a relationship is more important than materialistic gifts..}

12. "Self-love is the child of ignorance." (Spanish Proverb)

  {Response: Some people are so full of themselves, that they are not very intelligent.}

13. "Love that depends on gifts is always hungry." (English Proverb)

  {Response: Just because someone gives you expensive gifts does not mean they love you.}

14. "Beware of the woman who talks about her virtues and the man who talks about his honesty." (French Proverb)

  {Response: Actions speak louder than words.}

15. "Love your wife and confide in your mother." (Irish Proverb)

  {Response: Tell your mother things that are super secret; but love your partner.}

16. "Make your child a prince for five years, a slave for ten years, and a friend thereafter." (Hindi Proverb)

  {Response: Show them love and adoration, then show them how nasty the world can be; and then be there for them whenever they need you.}

17. "Being human is easy; being a man is difficult." (Russian Proverb)

  {Response: Men have to think that they have it harder; but that really depends on the man and what they do and how long they were enslaved.}

18. "My family taught me to speak, and people taught me to be silent." (Czechoslovak Proverb)

  {Response: Speak your mind in your home; but be conscious of  your surroundings when you are outside.}

19. "He who looks at people with knowledge hates them; he who looks at them with reality forgives them." (Italian Proverb)

  {Response: Partners with real Experience are more forgiving than know-it-alls.}

20. "Anger is a strong wind that blows out the lamp of reason." (American Proverb)

  {Response: When we are angry, he don't make the most reasonable decisions.}

21. "Those who give should not speak of their giving; those who receive should." (Portuguese Proverb)

  {Response: Be humble and always be grateful.}

22. "A large tree gives more shade but fewer fruits." (Italian Proverb)

  {Response: Less can be more.}

23. "Put your worries in a torn pocket." (Chinese Proverb)

  {Response: Don't hang on to your worries so hard that you destroy the relationship.}

24. "Eating too much is more harmful than hunger." (German Proverb)

  {Response: Taking more than what you need is more harmful that giving away more than what you should.}

25. "Plow every day, eat every day." (Egyptian Proverb)

  {Response: Work hard, Play hard.}

26. "O man, do not forget death, for it will not forget you." (Turkish Proverb)

  {Response: Don't take anything for granted.}

27. "The pleasure of revenge lasts a moment; the comfort of forgiveness lasts forever." (Spanish Proverb)

  {Response: Don't think of ways to get even; Think of ways to forgive.}

28. "Love and fragrance cannot be hidden." (Chinese Proverb)

  {Response: Love permeates like a fragrance.}

29. "He whose pocket is empty should make his tongue sweet." (Malaysian Proverb)

  {Response: If I have no money; I speak very nicely.}

30. "Small drops of water can also make a river." (Japanese Proverb)

  {Response: The little things add up / the little things matter.}

31. "God feeds the birds, but they must fly to find food." (Dutch Proverb)

  {Response: You should not depend 100% on your partner.}

32. "Love lasts as long as there is money." (French Proverb)


33. "He who lends money to a friend loses both." (French Proverb)

  {Response: Never let money come between friends.}

34. "He who marries a beautiful woman needs more than two eyes." (English Proverb)

  {Response: The more attractive your partner; the more jealous you will be.}

35. "He who has a thorn in his back always fears the fire." (French Proverb)

  {Response:   THIS IS TOO TRAUMATIC... .}

36. "He who resolves to reach his goal considers every obstacle insignificant." (French Proverb)

  {Response: If I am determined nothing will get in my way.}

37. "He who thinks himself a sheep will be eaten by the wolf." (French Proverb)

  {Response: You are what you think you are.}

38." Don't be a frog in a well"( indian proverb)

  {Response: Don't get yourself out of a situation that you cannot get out of.}

39."Ajmal al-ashya' ma la yu'rafu qimatuha illa ba'da zuhuriha."

Translation: "The most beautiful things are those whose value is not known until they are lost."(Arab proverb)

  {Response: After your partner dumps you, you will realize how beautiful they were..}

40." When life gives you lemons' make lemonade"( American proverb)

  {Response: Your relationship is what make it no matter who you get stuck with.}

41." (Khet ke har poday ko paani ki zaroorat nahi hoti)Translation: "Not every plant in the field needs water."(Pakistani proverb)

  {Response: Everybody doesn't need your love.  You can't give your love to everybody.  Love the one you're with. Because everybody does not need your love today.  My water is not fit for everybody.  Some need more care than others.}

42."Bagai aur dengan tebing."

Translation: "Like a bamboo and its riverbank."

Meaning: This proverb highlights the importance of mutual support and interdependence. Just as a bamboo tree relies on the riverbank for stability, and the riverbank relies on the bamboo for protection from erosion, people in a community rely on each other for support and strength.

  {Response: Each person in a relationship relies on support and strength from the other.  Two people should compliment each other.  Each encounter is a new encounter to each.}

43.: "He who eats from the flour of his own soul, dies before he dies."(Egypt proverb)

Meaning: This proverb warns against selfishness and greed. It suggests that when you prioritize your own interests at the expense of others, you ultimately harm yourself and lose your sense of purpose.

  {Response: "Don't be too consumed with yourself....  Don't be such a cheese-head.}

44.""When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers."(African proverb)

  {Response: "When mom and dad fight, the kids suffer."}

45."A fair dinkum effort will get you a fair dinkum result."(Australian proverb)

  {Response: "Dinkum = (of an article or person) genuine, honest, true.".  If I can put genuine, honest, true into a relationship, that may be what comes out.}  

46."Ang hindi marunong lumingon sa pinanggalingan, hindi makakarating sa paroroonan."( Phillipine proverb)

Translation: "He who does not know how to look back at where he came from, will never reach his destination.

  {Response: If you don't learn from your past, you will same mistakes again.  ("Don't keep going after the same kind of woman/man.").

47. "Actions speak louder than words."  

{Response:  "Sometimes you have to prove your words.  Or Lead by example."}

. "All's fair in love and war." 

{Response:  "It's how you interpret it."}

. "Blood is thicker than water." 

{Response:  "."}

. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." 

{Response:  "."}

. "Don't cry over spilt milk." 

{Response:  "."}

. "Give someone an inch and they'll take a mile." 

{Response:  "."}

. "Practice what you preach." 

{Response:  "."}

. "The pot calling the kettle black." 

{Response:  "."}

. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 

{Response:  "."}

(British proverb)

  {Response: .}

48. Here's a Somali proverb: “Afkaaga waa afkayga".

Translated, it means: “Your words are your mirror.”

  {Response: .}

49."कहिले पनि नखाऊने, कहिले पनि टाउको चाट्ने"

Translated, it means:

"Don't scratch when there's no itch, and don't lick your head when there's no oil."(Nipali proverb).

  {Response: .}




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