Monday, November 25, 2024

Name Some Things That Had You Already Known About; You Would Not Have Gotten A DV Charge

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 What are Some Things That Had I Already Known,  Understood and Employed... 

I Would Not Have Had Any DV In My Relationship?

 > Taking time-outs.

 > Knowing your  partner's needs.

 > Better communication skills.

 > To be Open-Minded / when Listening to my partner.

 > Prioritizing my relationship above other things.

 > Boundaries about how you I want to be treated (from the start).

I Would Not Have Gotten A DV Charge?

> Every we make is gonna have consequences (or rewards).

> That my actions effect other people; not just the two in the relationship.  Our child is effected from it too.

> Had I know just to walk away...

> If I had known the Red Flags and paid attention to the Red Flags.

What Did I Allegedly Do?

> Violated the other person's Rights.

What Did I Actually Do?

> Violated the other person's Rights.

> or I Violated the other person's Rights while standing up for myself.

(Violations of Rights in DV, typically include: Harassment, Assault, False Imprisonment, Menacing, Trespassing, Murder or Attempted Murder, or Child Abuse.)

How can I prevent DV from happening in the future?  

> Take Time Outs

Walking Away

Not Showing Up / Don't Go Back.

Look for Potential Red Flags before you get too involved.

> Better Communication.

> Listening More.

> Knowing when the quit.  (Know when to Hold them, Know when to Fold them, Know when to walk away (nicely), and Know when to run.)

> Study the Pros and Cons of the situation.

> Consider your kids needs before you get involved.

> Be very careful who you let into your life.  (Stay away from dishonest, violent psychopaths!)

> Pay attention to your radar, your vibes, or their aura.

What could I learn about that would help me prevent DV moving forward? 

> Control my Anger / Chanel it more wisely.

> Knowing when and how to take a Time Out.

> Knowing how to Stop, Breathe and Focus, Relax, Refocus and Choose Wisely.

> Be more careful about the people I allow in my life.

> Consider the Consequences.

> Use my Support System Appropriately and Effectively.

> Avoid Over-Reacting and / or Making Mountains Out of Mole Hills.

> Learning When and How to leave.


What could I do or not do that would help me with this whole, over-arching task?

> Just educate yourself more.

Learn how to keep your emotions from making such decisions.

Knowing your Rights and Knowing their Rights and what to do or not do.

Final Words???

> Read the Instructions.
> Make sure they come with their own Return Label.

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