Monday, July 29, 2024

Accepting the Repercussions and/or our Consequences for DV-related Thinking and Behavior


Recognizing and Accepting the Repercussions and/or our Consequences for things that we have to do, or may experience due to our DV-Type Thinking and / or our DV-Type Behavior.

According to The DVOMB Core Competencies: 

H. Acceptance --

  Behavior has / should have consequences  

  1. Identify the consequences of our thinking 
  2. Identify the consequences of our behavior, and
  3. Recognize that abusive behavior is or was a choice, it is or was intentional & and it is or was goal oriented


  Consequences can be good or bad.  

  Our Thinking can bring consequences.  

  And Our behaviors can bring consequences.

 Are basically things that happen (we think) in relation to what we think, or what we don't think.

 Are basically things that happen (we think) in relation to how we think, or how we don't think.

 Are basically things that happen (we think) in relation to what we do, or what we don't do.

For example: 

If I do all my homework, I might get a good Grade.

If I do not do all my homework, I might not get a good Grade.

Some view Consequences as a Form of Punishment.

Others view Consequences as an opportunity to make changes that will help you.

Consequences can also be viewed as a deterrent... to keep you from doing things that you should not do.

One of the challenges with DV -related consequences these days is that many persons with DV Offenses, had no idea at the time that they could end up with the consequences that they got for their DV Offense.

Consequences for Men and Women are not always equal (albeit they they might be equitable).

For example, a 16 year old an d10 year old are hangin out on a Fridy ngiht.  

They start drinking,, adn throwing rocks at cars.

The connsequences may be very different, but still equitable.


The DVOMB Suggests the following:

We must accept that behavior has / should have consequences

We must Identify the consequences of our thinking,

We must Identify the consequences of our behavior, 

Recognize that our behavior was abusive (It was a form of abuse, no doubt: Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Economic, Social, Digital, Sexual, Using Children, Spiritual, Isolation / Jealousy and Control, Intimidation, Coercion and Threats).

Recognize that our abusive behavior is or was a choice,

Recognize that our abusive behavior is or was intentional,

Recognize that our Abusive behavior is or was goal oriented.  

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