Many Relationship Die at, or, just before; or just after a point of Conflict.
Nonetheless, Many Relationship Survive Conflict; and some even some grow out of Conflict. Like the people arise from the conflict better or smarter than before.
So what is it that destroys a Relationship during or after a Conflict?
- It depends:
- Was this conflict about a negotiable matter?
- Were both partners willing and able to negotiate? (Generally it takes at least two to do this.)
- Did the conflict happen as a result of ulterior motives?
- Or Was the conflict started as a means to an END of the relationship?
- Or was the conflict truly started in order to solve a problem?
"Conflict is a disagreement or struggle between two or more people or groups. It can also refer to a mental struggle that results from incompatible needs, drives, or wishes."
Interpersonal conflict: A disagreement between two or more people, such as family members, friends, or co-workers.Romantic Partners could fall under this category.Intragroup conflict: Conflict between two or more members of the same group or team -- (Or Couple Perhaps in some cases).
Intergroup conflict: Conflict between groups, such as between political parties or organizations
Intrapersonal conflict: Conflict within a person, such as a struggle between personal goals or values"
What are some Causes of conflict:
Personality differences: People with different traits may have disagreements
Power struggles: Conflicts can arise over power in the workplace, relationships, or society
Poor communication: Misinterpretations and lack of non-verbal cues can lead to conflict
Change: Major changes, such as changing jobs or relationships, can cause tension (SOURCE.)"
Other Causes of Conflict: Ego, Pride, Offensive Words or Behaviors, Threats, Cheating.
*** The bottom line is that CONFLICTS Can PUT AN END TO
OTHERWISE WONDERFUL Relationships. ***
Okay... So, How Does One Resolve Conflicts?
Perhaps the best way would be to Resolve Our Conflicts without Destroying or Walking Away from Otherwise Healthy Relationship?
But if it is an unhealthy relationship; JUST Learn how to WALK AWAY without a conflict.
Some ideas include:
Maybe Talk through it. Work it out. Act like it never happened.
Sometimes we can resolve Conflict through Mea Culpa: "Mea culpa, which means "through my fault" in Latin, comes from a prayer of confession in the Catholic Church. Said by itself, it's an exclamation of apology or remorse that is used to mean "It was my fault" or "I apologize." Mea culpa is also a noun, however." (Source.)
Truth is; one can fall on one's own sword any time they wish. However; it's now healthy for them, or for the other party. And it often ends up making the relationship worse in the long run.
"Healthy conflict resolution primarily includes ingredients like:
- active listening,
- clear communication,
- empathy,
- understanding underlying needs,
- collaborative problem-solving,
- honesty with self and then others,
- being attentive to the other person,
- assertive expression (NOT Aggressive), and
- a focus on finding win-win solutions; essentially, prioritizing open dialogue, respecting perspectives, and working together to reach a mutually agreeable outcome." (AI Source.)
Other possible tools for help solve conflict could include:
Respect for Self and for others.
No bullying.
Valuing Everyone Present.
Courageous introspection.
Relationships After or Before Conflict...
How do we Resolve CONFLICT???
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