Monday, January 9, 2023

The Helpfulness and the History of the Duluth Model for Understanding Domestic Violence

 History of the Duluth Wheels for Understanding what Domestic Violence Looks Like.

  Understanding Power and Control Wheel 

  Understanding the Idea of Equality in Relationships.  (Please click here for a Blog Post on this Topic).

  Per Free Social Work Tools, "The Equality Wheel describes the qualities involved in healthy relationships. The Equality Wheel shows the changes needed for men who batter to move from being abusive to non-violent partnership (Source)."

  It is also important to try and view Domestic Violence from BOTH how men might view DV; and how Women might view DV.  Consider the following questions in order to try and find some differences (and similarities) between why men might commit DV and why women might commit DV.  For a moment here, let's try to try to understand and differentiate Motives and Outcomes of Men's Violence against Women; versus the Motives and Outcomes of Women's Violence against Men:

  • What are some differences between Men's and Women's Motives for DV-type Thinking and Behaviors?  How are Men and Women Different or the Same in terms of having the following Motives:
    1. One's Purpose of the DV-type Behavior
    2. To achieve Domination
    3. To achieve Submission
    4. To create Injury
    5. To realize one's Demands
    6. To use one's Partner as a Tool
    7. To clear the air and then exercise one's Power to Make-up afterward

  • How are Men and Women Different or the Same in terms of having the following Outcomes of DV-type Thinking and Behaviors:
    1. One's Purpose of the DV-type Behavior
    2. To achieve Domination
    3. To achieve Submission
    4. To create Injury
    5. To realize one's Demands
    6. To use one's Partner as a Tool
    7. To clear the air and then exercise one's Power to Make-up afterward

  Please CLICK HERE to View Videos about the Duluth Power & Control Wheels.

  And how does all of the above look different from a relationship with Equality?  Well The Equality Wheel looks like this...

  In fact, you can click here and see a list of the various other wheels about Domestic Violence that have been created using this same concept.

  So what do you think about the Duluth Model's Contribution to Preventing Domestic Violence?

*** Power and Control Wheel Worksheet ***

*** Equality Wheel Worksheet ***

*** Complete your Session Feedback Form! ***

   So what do you think about the Duluth Model's Contribution to Preventing Domestic Violence?

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