Monday, June 17, 2024

My Personal Mission Statement is for Prevention of Domestic Violence in my Life

  Regardless of what happened or how it happened, if I was named in the Court Case, then I was probably involved.  

  And now, I am choosing to never again be involved in Domestic violence...  NEVER AGAIN!!!  So how might I do that?  

  Could it be that Perhaps I need a Personal Mission Statement?

  In order to plan for this, we need to take a good look at our own values.  Our values tend to project our thoughts, our feelings, our desires, our needs, our beliefs, our past, and our shortcomings among other things.  Many of us carry our values around like Billboards so that everyone can see them.

  Some folks get Morals and Values confused.  And “While morals may feel like they are usually imposed from the outside, values are inherent and personal in character” (  So for the purpose of this discussion here today, Values and Morals are essentially the same.

  So here are some questions for us to ponder:

  What are our values?  

  How do our Values impact our lives?  

  How do your values impact the lives of others?

  What is My Mission Statement?   

  Great Questions!  Well, Our Missions in life tend to be based on our Values.  We usually gotta believe in something before we really want to make it happen.

   First, It might help to know what a Mission Statement is. It can sometimes be challenging to tease out our Mission from our Values and Goals.  In fact, our Goals and our Mission can sometimes be intertwined.   So let's check out a few popular Mission Statements.  For example:

 Even McDonald's has a Mission Statement!  For example: McDonald’s says, “Our mission is to make delicious feel-good moments easy for everyone.  This is how we uniquely feed and foster communities” (McDonald’s).

Martin Luther King “refused to allow prison, violence or the threat of death sway his end mission. Instead, he stood beside his goal of achieving rights for all through nonviolent protests. Dr. King maintained a vision for a more diverse America where all people enjoyed the benefits of equality” (The National Civil Rights Museum).

“The goal of the Grateful Dead was to provide a high quality experience with high quality music. They wanted to play great music for people who were really into music. There were choices they could have made along the way that, while more profitable, would have meant abandoning their true goal”  (Anne Grady Group).

And “The Red Cross, born of a desire to bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield, endeavors—in its international and national capacity— to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found. Its purpose is to protect life and health and to ensure respect for the human being”  (The American Red Cross). 

  Types of Values might include: Personal Values, Professional Values, Social Values, National Values, Religious Values....

  In this particular case, it is important now to know that for each one of us involved in DV Offender Treatment: "My Personal Mission Statement is for me to be able to Prevent any more Domestic Violence in my Life." 

  Let's see if we Can we agree on to the following:  

  Whereas, according to the Courts, I have had some Domestic Violence in my Life.  This malady has costs others and myself the following: Time, Money, Trust, Emotional or Physical Trauma, Stress, Pain, Mental challenges and numerous other resources.  Therefore, I have decided I no longer want DV in my life.

In order to make that Mission come true, I need a Mission Statement 

 "A meaningful personal mission statement contains these basic elements. 

1. The first thing to think about is what I want to do?  – What I want to accomplish?  What contributions do I want to make and to whom?... to what?  And finally, What do I hope to get out of it?

2. The second is What do I want to be?  Like...  How do I want to be viewed or perceived by others when my Mission is done?  –  And what character strengths do I have to help me accomplish this?   Also, What qualities do I want to develop during this process.  How do I want to grow?" 

3. Thirdly, I need to keep in mind that an effective Personal Mission Statement must also be doable for me.  

  In order to create a good Personal Mission Statement: I have to be honest with myself; I have to be Flexible; willing to listen to others who mean well; and I have to be strong.  I need to have Positive Energy in my life, I need Patience, I need a Positive Outlook, Tact, and Good Will.  And I need as much Mindfulness as I can do.  And I have to be committed to making the correct decisions, as well as correcting my errors, and then following up by doing the right thing(s).

  So I need some important Tools: I will need to know myself, including what I need, what I want, what I like, how I love, my feelings, my anger, my respect for everyone, and my boundaries, my morals, my resistance, all of my wisdom -- all the energy that I can muster, my courage, my needs in a relationship, etc...   And I also need to know that which I want, and that which I cannot tolerate.  

  Furthermore.  I also need to know what I am capable of; and what I am not capable of.  Further, I need some reliable ways of knowing when things are truly good; as well as ways of knowing when things are not good; along with many other things.

And Finally: 

  In order for me to Prevent DV from happening in my life; I will need to recognize the warning signs -- the Red Flags!  

  I have to be able to Manifest and Promote a Lifestyle that can accommodate healthy relationships as well as one that is devoid of Violence of any kind.

Super Basic Questions: 

  “It's time to start Building On My Individual Values in order to create My Personal Mission Statement for Domestic Violence Prevention”.  First I need to know the following:

Question: “What are some of my Personal Values as they relate to Relationships and prevention of DV?"

Question: “What is my Mission in Life as it relates to Relationships and Prevention of Domestic Violence?

Question: “How might my Values and / or my Mission in Life help me to Prevent Domestic Violence in my future relationships?”

  And this is how I am going to do it.  I am going to Feel, Think, Love, Listen to my Heart, be Honorable, I will Plan, Act, Respect others, command Respect for myself, Re-Assess, and go for it again... 

*** Please Click Here to Complete your 

Personal Mission Statement To Prevent DV *** 

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