Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Please Read:

  Everyone who attends a DV Session This Week should Pay for that Session This Week, either through the the PayPal / Debit Buttons Below (to the right), through mailing Payment to Dr. B.; or through Voucher.

  Everyone who has an IOU as of This Week, should Pay something on that IOU Every Week until that IOU is completely PAID off.

  Everyone who Attends a DV Session This Week and wants to get CREDIT for this Session SHOULD do three things: 

1. Complete BOTH the Session Worksheet(s) and the Session Feedback Form.  Do this EVERY WEEK.  (Links for those can be found at the bottom of each Session Text.)

2. Pay for this Session This Week (one way or another); and

3. Pay on their IOU if they have one.  You may calculate your Balance by taking your number of sessions multiplying it by your Co-Pay amount, and then subtracting from that, the amount of Vouchers that you have been issued and used within their time limit.  (Ask your P.O. if you need to know about your Vouchers).

Questions:  If you have any questions regarding this, please present your  questions to Dr. B. PRIVATELY.  Please use Text or Email to do this.

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