Monday, February 24, 2025

Planning for Personal Change -- The Personal Change Plan Process: From Sad, Scary and Troubled Beginnings; To Learning, Changing and Winning.

 From Sad, Scary and Troubled Beginnings; To Learning, Changing and Winning.

When people first come to DV Tx, they are sad, angry, lonely, disappointed, feeling like The Victim, In Shock from Jail, and generally just dissatisfied with Criminal Justice System -- Police, DA's, Courts, Judges, Probation, and DV Tx Providers

  Whereas the GOAL of DV Treatment is to Participate Consistently and in a Meaningful Way, in order Make some good Changes.

People go from Feeling like it was not my fault, It was their fault, It is the System's Fault, and on and on; to -- if they are successful -- a point where they realize that it doesn't matter who's fault it is... you are in this situation, so you might as well just get through it.

In order to get through it, we need to Learn; we need to change some (a little if not a lot), and we all need to win.

Yet, in such a situation; it is hard to feel like you are winning when you got arrested, cavity searched, insulted, humiliated, embarrassed, tried and convicted, sentenced, insulted again, embarrassed some more, assigned to a P.O. or Jail or Both, and then finally.... referred to DV Offender Treatment.

Then you have to put up with Embarrassing Evaluations, Weekly, Group Meetings, Drug Tests, DV Reviews, Probation Meetings -- and/or Behavior Contracts, Therapy, More DV Groups etc... etc... etc..  

Yet in the midst of this....  everyone still has choices.  Do I make a fool of myself and intentionally NOT do what the Court tells me to do; or do I do it, and eventually, this all becomes a thing of my past.

It seems that one of the smartest things a person could do in this situation would to sign up for DV Treatment, Attend all Intake and Evaluation sessions, attend all groups, attend all Treatment Planning Sessions, and do all the homework, fill out all paperwork, pay the fees, and then start LEARNING And MAKING CHANGES.

The sooner a person starts doing all that is required, and also putting their best effort into learning what ways to prevent DV; the sooner a person makes positive changes, learns more and more, and moves along towards their finish line in a good way.

  Meanwhile, this whole process really gets its wings once a person begins to actually spend time thinking about things such as the following:

  • What are my Risk Factors?   Heck.  What is a Risk Factor?
  • What is Positive Change?  "I'm done living this way... I'm gonna do something about it."
  • What are some Ways I could Plan for Positive Change?  (Thinking about what do I gotta change...???).  Why???  (Why NOT???)  If I make this change, chances are I will feel better, be happier, more productive, others will be happier with me, and my kids and other people will benefit also.
  • What is Personal Change?  Personal Change is changing something about myself, my look, my    actions, my thoughts, my feelings, my people, my life that makes a positive difference.
  • What are some things I could do the Change?  First... Simply Realize that I need to make this change.  And if I fall, then get back up on that horse and ride again.  We must be persistent.
  • Why Do This?  Why Make Personal Change?  Because Personal Change and bettering one's self can be a great start toward putting all this craziness behind you.  So Just Do It!
  • We need to learn how to Prevent DV From happening again in our lives.  Okay then.... What are My Triggers?  What puts me at Risk of another DV Offense?  Things like Anger, Arguments, Intoxication, Drugs, Alcohol, Boredom, Poor Communication Skills, A Lack of Accountability, Resentment, Blaming Everybody Else (but myself), and Shutting it all out can lead to additional DV-Type Thinking and Behaviors.  Getting these things out of my life can help me prevent DV.
  • I need to identify my Cycles of Abusive Thoughts and Behaviors.  Like, let's say I am heading towards another DV Offense... What are some things that happen and or ways that I am feeling or thinking that get me into this trouble.
  • For some of us it is as simple as the person who chose as a mate.
  • For others, it is about DENIAL.  (Which is NOT just a river in Egypt.).
  • And still for others, it's about the things and thoughts that I still do and have that lead towards the Dark side...  Such a Drugs, Alcohol, Playing the Victim all the time, Failing to Communicate, or the people I choose to be around.
  • And then FINALLY ....   How do I PLAN to prevent and/or interrupt my triggers and cycles?  
ALL this comes down to 3 Questions:
   1. The way I am going to prevent abusive behavior of any kind of by:  ?
   2. The way I am going to change my thinking so my thoughts and behaviors will be healthy is by:  ?  and
   3. If I realize I am in danger of Becoming Abusive I will do the following?

And Remember -- If one manages this process successfully; then one might be have to successfully apply this same sort of sequence of steps and process toward the successful resolution of a whole other type of challenge.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Day and Domestic Violence -- What does Valentine's Day Mean To You? A Process Approach


  Valentine's Day and Domestic Violence -- What does Valentine's Day Mean To You?  A Process Approach

One thing for certain: There are few things more natural than two Humans pairing off together... and doing what they do...  If nothing else, it keeps the species going.  And by the way, Animals do it too.. kind of...  (I think....)

  But unfortunately, for those who are not doing it...  That is pairing off together ---  it can feel empty, left out... rejected, neglected and down right out of place.

Valentine's Day and Domestic Violence --  Now how the heck could those two things be related to each other...

  "Some people get into Domestic Violence situations on Valentine's Day because the other person is expecting special attention.. some affection, a gift, or maybe even flowers... and a CARD!....    But it doesn't always come through that way -- does it...  

  Otherwise, this day could turn into a fighting day and that could yield some DV.  Or if nothing else... it might become a good reason for someone to break up with someone else.

  This is a hard topic... it tends to stir up feelings.... Why?

Unrealized expectations...  ?

So what is so special about Valentine's Day? 

From the Article: “Violence and Valentine's Day: A brief reprieve from abuse.”

  “This Valentine’s Day, whether you are in a happy, loving, committed relationship or you are one of the many people who will be celebrating “Singles Awareness Day,” one of the things that you may be thankful for is a brief reprieve from domestic violence.

  Although there is anecdotal evidence that Valentine’s Day is connected to a spike in domestic abuse, according to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, Valentine’s Day is actually one of three days where there is actually a slight decrease in reports of domestic violence (the other two are Thanksgiving and Christmas).

  This is a tiny bright spot within a very dark issue that usually only comes to light when a celebrity has been caught on tape abusing their partner or because someone who you have never heard of has been killed after years of abuse.

  Sadly, domestic violence is overwhelmingly common in the United States. Twenty people are physically abused by their partners every minute. Nearly 5 million women are victims of physical abuse by their partners every year and over 38 million women in the United States have experienced physical intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.”  (Source).  

How do you feel about Valentine's Day???

You say... Valentine's Day is Made Of what???  

  Love, Happiness, Candy.. Sweetness... Appreciation, Gratitude..  Gifts...  Recognition, Intimacy..... Sexual Intimacy.. Victoria's Secret makes a fortune on Valentine's Day....

  Or Valentine's day could be sad and lonely for a lot of people as well...

  Perhaps when these things happen.. and people experience painful rejection... loss.... fear... sadness...  Lots of pain.

  So perhaps all this could be avoided... if we each... just show a little kindness... 

  Being kind to the person you are with is not a bed thing.. Being extra nice to your children or family... and maybe even celebration of the relationships that you are gifted with.....  Or .. it could be celebrating a friendship... with anybody... or some other type of relationship.. such as the one that St. Valentine might have felt like when he chose NOT to deny his belief in Jesus which cost him his life...  (Maby Valentine's Day is about a Love that one cannot deny....)  For he was killed for refusing to give it up or renounce his love for Christ even under the penalty of death.....  

  On the other hand, some might think that Valentine's Day should be ignored, or minimized..

  One person even said, "I think Valentine's Day is Stupid!"

She continued, "There should not be just one day to dedicate or to get or to give chocolates... Rather it should be a consistent effort from both sides...  To me.. I like little things that are consistently done by each other to show their love for you..   Add a surprise just to make you happy or smile..  it should not be just ONE day out of the year and also it does not have to be EVERY day either."

So let's take a DEEPER DIVE -- What is the Origin of Valentine's Day:

  “The "Feast" (Latin: "in natali", lit.: on the birthday) of Saint Valentine originated in (what was called) Christendom and has been marked by the Western Church of Christendom in honour of one of the Christian martyrs named Valentine, as recorded in the 8th century Gelasian Sacramentary.” (Source).

Who was St. Valentine?

  “The very brief vita of St Valentine states that he was executed for refusing to deny Christ by the order of the "Emperor Claudius" in the year 269.” 

  “Saint Valentine (Italian: San Valentino; Latin: Valentinus) was a 3rd-century Roman saint, commemorated in Western Christianity on February 14 and in Eastern Orthodoxy on July 6. From the High Middle Ages, his Saints' Day has been associated with a tradition of courtly love.  He is also a patron saint of Terni, epilepsy and beekeepers.[2][3] Saint Valentine was a clergyman – either a priest or a bishop – in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians.[4] He was martyred and his body buried on the Via Flaminia on February 14, which has been observed as the Feast of Saint Valentine (Saint Valentine's Day) since at least the eighth century.[5]

  Relics of him were kept in the Church and Catacombs of San Valentino in Rome, which "remained an important pilgrim site throughout the Middle Ages until the relics of St. Valentine were transferred to the church of Santa Prassede during the pontificate of Nicholas IV".[6] His skull, crowned with flowers, is exhibited in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome."  (Source.).

How did Valentine's Day start in the US."

"Valentine's Day is named after Saint Valentine, a Catholic priest who lived in the third century. The exact origins of the holiday are not clear, but it is believed to have originated as a Christian feast day to commemorate Saint Valentine."  (Source).....  

  What is the deeper meaning of Valentine's day?  (Could it be that The martyr Valentine who died for refusing to deny Christ... was basically like Christ reportedly loving the people and the Church for ever -  like a wife.).

The Deeper Deeper Meaning Behind Valentine's Day 

  "It is about sacrifice and devotion, love and honor, in the face of overwhelming and dangerous odds.  While making your Valentine's Day plans, remember St. Valentine who was willing to give his life in pursuit of love and marriage, and ask yourself if you would be willing to do the same for those you profess to love." (Source.).

"One is the Loneliest Number..."  Dealing with Valentine's Day as a Single person or a Non-Attached Person:  Let's Try A PROCESS APPROACH -- a good way to work through your feelings

  As noted above: Few things in human life are more natural than pairing off.

  Thus unfortunately, to some people, if a person is not paired off, there's something wrong with them...  Which is not always the case.

  So What's it like if you do not have anyone on Valentine's Day?  Do you Celebrate "Singles Appreciation Day"..

  Some people suggest: "Make February a Month about you... Give yourself things.. not everybody else...  (A time to learn how to practice Radical Acceptance). 
  Radical Acceptance (Radically accept the moment you are in and the past.

Radical Acceptance Video: By Wackett 

Questions to Ponder: 

  What is One Little thing I could Change in my Life that might improve how I feel on Valentine's Day?  

  Have you ever considered Serenity.  

  What feelings does Valentine's Day bring up for you?

  Ever felt really sad or left out or like a Loser on Valentine's Day?
  Valentine's Day without my Valentine -- Seriously??? 

  What is it like to feel like there is someone out there who will never give up on you?
  Is there someone out there who you will never give up on?
  Isn't it nice when both people feel that way?

Let's go back a little bit:
  What are your Earliest MEMORIES OF Valentine's-Day?    
  Did they contain... Acceptance, Surprise, Rejection, Loneliness, or Sadness?  Or something else? 

  What might it be like Accepting My-Self on Valentine's Day... just the way I am?

  What do you plan to do for your partner or for yourself on this Coming Valentine's day?

Now: How Can I Move Forward?

  Perhaps, First: Accept where I am RIGHT NOW!  Re-asses my situation and myself.  Think of my Good Qualities.  Think positive.  Be open to the possibilities.  Problem solve.  Keep at it.  Whatever you do... Don't give up!

  If your feelings and emotions are getting the best of you, please watch this video about Emotional Regulation:

  Hey, Check this out this Article by Taryn Herlich!

 “Valentine’s Day and Abuse:  The Emotional Ties Between The Two”

“Valentine’s Day can be difficult  for survivors of domestic violence. Our society has marketed this day towards happy, healthy couples and for individuals who have faced abuse, it can make this day feel rather disheartening. Social media is often full of unrealistic presentations of happy couples and this can create feelings of unworthiness, provoking individuals to ponder their own decisions. When Valentine’s Day and abuse come together, the emotions can get complicated.

Moreover, many survivors who do leave an abusive relationship may face what’s known as Stockholm syndrome after abuse. This is essentially when you feel compassion for your abuser and struggle to get over the break-up as you still miss being with them. On Valentine’s Day, it can be extremely easy to fall into a cycle of reminiscing on the positive times you had with this person, because let’s face it, even an abusive relationship can have good days. That’s essentially what keeps survivors holding on. They hope one day this person will change, and focus on the fond memories they may have had at the beginning of the relationship. During a pandemic, it can be especially challenging, as there is little distraction to help dissipate these thoughts and in some cases, triggers.

 So, let’s find ways that Valentine’s Day can be a day full of self-love rather than sorrow. This day should be about admiring your inner strength, and celebrating you as a wonderful individual deserving of recognition.

1. Write a love letter to yourself

A personal love letter is a great way to reflect on life, and recognize all the qualities that make you special and unique. It’s similar to telling yourself positive affirmations which help re-frame negative self-talk. The more you tell yourself that you are worthy, kind, smart, and a good human being, the more your mind will believe it. One of the first steps to healing is self-love and a love letter to yourself is a great way to begin or continue the process. This article on Glamour has some amazing examples of letters survivors wrote to themselves.

2. Participate in self care

Why not make Valentine’s Day about treating yourself! Relax and do what makes you feel good. Self care can be as small as doing your makeup (something many people actually find therapeutic) to colouring, writing, taking a bath, going for a walk, speaking with your therapist, or even unplugging from social media.”

3. Be around those you love

We’re in difficult times as the pandemic is still present. However, if you live with friends or family that you like, try initiating a movie or dinner night, and have a fun day of celebrating the ones you love! This day isn’t only for celebrating romantic relationships. If possible, go on a socially distant outdoor walk with a friend to switch things up.

4. Take advantage of the day full of chocolate and bake something delicious

Baking is another act of self care and for many, is extremely relaxing and a great way to unwind and relieve stress. Not only are you creating something delicious but baking actually allows you to express creativity.

5. Call a helpline if you begin to have upsetting thoughts and feelings

There is no shame in calling a helpline on Valentine’s Day. If you need that extra bit of support right now, you should absolutely reach out and get it. Sometimes having someone who doesn’t know you, listen to your problems can be a great relief.

6. Be gentle with yourself

Remember, it’s okay if you feel certain upsetting emotions on Valentine’s Day. Your feelings are valid, and normal so don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re only human and quite frankly doing the best you can. In fact, just reading this article is such a wonderful step. You are loved, and so worthy.

If you are currently in an abusive relationship, we recognize how challenging this day can be and how it can be even more difficult to leave on the days leading up to it. There is a pressure that Valentine’s Day will solve certain issues, and that with flowers, chocolate, perhaps a necklace, this day can be special and peaceful. We recognize that you may be holding onto those grand gestures, those moments of kindness, and that on this day your heart yearns for some form of love. The pressure of any holiday can make it harder to leave, especially the ones that are based on love. Know that you are worthy of kindness and respect. This is not your fault, you are not alone, and you are appreciated and loved. Please, seek support by involving a trusted family member or friend, and contact a hotline that can help guide you in leaving (we will have them listed below).  If you’re in immediate danger call 911."

(Resource Link For Helplines In Canada:

Sources:"   (

Other Possible Solutions Could Be: 

What is Valentine's Day a Day of:

Have some Hope
Give someone a nice Card.. or even a Picture you drew..
a Watercolor you painted.. or a Poem you just wrote... Today!
Give Love
Share Warm Greetings
Keep on Wishing
Show Appreciation
Give people Happiness

Other Solutions to Valentine's Day Disappointments;

About: Radical Acceptance (Radically accept the moment you are in; as well as the past.)

Other Solutions to Valentine's Day Disappointments; Emotional Regulation...

DBT Skills: Emotion Regulation and Calming Your Emotions

If experiencing uncomfortable and overwhelming emotions.
Identify and Name my emotions and tell myself it's okay to feel that way.  Or Acknowledge and Validate the emotions.
Manage and Then learn ways to Regulate our Emotions.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Learning about Chain Analysis in order Prevent Domestic Violence: A DBT-Type Method


According to the Very Well Mind Website, Chain Analysis can be described as:

“A behavior chain analysis is a process that can help people better understand why certain behavior happens. When it comes to addressing maladaptive behavior, a chain analysis can be useful for identifying the different factors that contribute to that behavior.

Chain analysis can be helpful in the treatment of different mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder (BPD), substance use, and other conditions. It is an important technique in a type of therapy known as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). 

What Is a Behavior Chain Analysis?

          (Click here for an explanation of                 Chain Analysis.) 


         Click Here for another Example of Chain Analysis

Also known as functional analysis, a chain analysis is a technique designed to help a person understand the function of a particular behavior. 1 During a chain analysis of a particular problem behavior (for example, deliberate self-harm), a person tries to uncover all the factors that led up to that behavior.

Behaviors can serve multiple functions. Therefore, go through a chain analysis for a number of different situations that led to problem behavior and try to identify all the functions a problem behavior serves for you.

In other words, a person tries to discover all the links in the chain that ultimately resulted in problem behavior. Therefore a chain analysis will help you figure out all the things that can contribute to problem behavior.”  (SOURCESOURCE).



  1. What exactly is my major PROBLEM BEHAVIOR that I am analyzing?
  2. What was the PROMPTING EVENT in the environment started me on the chain to my problem behavior?  Include what happened RIGHT BEFORE the urge or thought came into my mind.
  3. Describe what things in myself and in my environment made me Vulnerable?
  4. Links in the Chain of Events: Behaviors (Actions, Body Sensations, Cognitions / Thoughts, Feelings) and Events (in the environment).
    • Possible Types of Events:
      • Actions
      • Body Sensations
      • Cognitions / thoughts
      • Events
      • Feelings

    • List the Chain of Events (Specific Behaviors and environmental events that actually did happen).  Use the ABC-EF list above.
        • 1st
        • 2nd
        • 3rd
        • 4th
        • 5th 
        • 6th
        • 7th
        • 8th 
        • 9th

    • List new, more skillful behaviors to replace ineffective behaviors.  Use the ABC-EF list.

        • 1st
        • 2nd
        • 3rd
        • 4th
        • 5th 
        • 6th
        • 7th
        • 8th 
        • 9th

5. What exactly were the consequences in the environment?

And in myself?


What harm did my problem behavior cause?

6. Prevention Plans:

        Ways to reduce my vulnerability in the future:

        Ways to prevent precipitating event from happening again:

7. Plans to repair, correct, and overcorrect harm:



TABLE OF CONTENTS for DV Treatment: Below are The Basic Necessities for Completing Domestic Violence Treatment. These Links Below lead to the Topics and the Worksheets that are part of DV Treatment Requirements. These Worksheets are Required for Successful Completion of DV Treatment.

  There are several things that must be done in order to Successfully Complete DV Treatment.  Before you start, you should read the Treatment Orientation Posting.  Also take a look at the Schedule of Groups.

  The first requirement is that I attend all sessions, take the lessons seriously, and demonstrate positive change change in my thinking.  You definitely should not have missed more than 2 or 3 DV Sessions.  If you missed any sessions, you should have informed Dr B as to why you missed.  Fact of the matter is; if I missed any DV Sessions, I should complete an Absences Attestation for each one.

  Another requirement for successful completion of DV Treatment is that 100% of my Balance is paid off.  Remember, your P.O. is NOT required to give you Vouchers to pay for your DV Treatment.  But if you need a Voucher to pay for your DV Treatment, you must speak with your P.O. (nicely) about this matter if you hope to get any help from them paying for your DV Sessions.  The sooner you do this, the better.  Because they can only give you vouchers or you that will cover DV Sessions starting the day you ask for them.  Finally, it is important that you understand that any amount that is not covered by vouchers is an amount that you will owe for your DV Treatment.

  The third requirement is to understand that any really good DV Treatment Participant is also filling out a Session Feedback Form at the end of each session.

  The fourth requirement is to know that any one who wishes to Successfully Complete Domestic Violence Offender Treatment, must be sure that I All of of their Worksheets are completed and successfully submitted online.  

  Some of the most important DV Topics are those listed below.  Even if you have done these before, they really must be gone over again to make double-sure that you completely understand how you will never again have any more DV in your relationships.


  Go to each of the Links below and complete the  worksheets that they have links to. 

Dr. B's DV Prevention & Education Blog: Treatment Planning for Success ( 

Autobiography of Violence Worksheet

DVOMB Mandatory Core Competencies

    Core Competencies Worksheet

BRIEF CORE COMPETENCIES CHECK-UP: Where Do I Think that I am in my DV Treatment???

Managing Conflict Effectively: And Prevention of Domestic Violence

Learning about Chain Analysis in order Prevent Domestic Violence: A DBT-Type Method

Understanding our Values and Using our Virtues to Prevent Domestic Violence

Understanding Different Types of Domestic Violence - 

        CLICK HERE >>>Types of DV Worksheet 

The Vagina Monologues -- Decades of Altruistic Efforts to Improve the Lives of Girls, Women, and Yes; the Entire Planet!

Overcoming Denial  -- Being Responsible or Being in Denial Worksheet

    Minimization, Denial & Blame Worksheet

The Role of Anger in Domestic Violence -- Anger and DV Worksheet

Taking Time Outs

Understanding Communication for Healthy Relationships

Getting Ready to Take Full Accountability For My Domestic Violence Offense and Moving Forward: What Is Real-Time Accountability?

DVTPA: Domestic Violence Treatment Progress Assessment

My Domestic Violence Treatment Check-In and Check-Up!

The Effects of Using Children During and After a Relationship

The Duluth Power & Control Wheels

The EFFECTS of Using Power and Control in Relationships

Using Equality for Healthier Relationships

Balancing Our Empathy With Our Own Needs Particularly During Troubled Times

The Fallacy of Control -- Controlling Behaviors

Types of DV Worksheet

What is Love?

Making Better Choices: Poor Choices, versus Mistakes, Accidents and Victimhood

Mindfulness and Prevention of DV: Where was I when my DV Happened?

Mandatory Empathy Panel Presentation at SLVBHG 8/8/2028 

Empathy Panel Week Worksheets for Everyone to Complete even if they did not attend the Empathy Panel.

Cycle of Violence

Potential Risk Factors for DV: Knowing your Risk Factors 

Healthy Boundaries

Codependency, Relationships and Domestic Violence

Cognitive Distortions

The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children -- A Reminder

Building On Individual Values And A Personal Mission Statement For Domestic Violence Prevention

Moving from Being Considered the "Offender" in a Domestic Violence Case, (yet Feeling Like a Victim); Toward Becoming an Accountable Survivor

Personality Disorders, Other Psychiatric Disorders, Substance Use, and Domestic Violence

How Do I Talk About My DV Offense?  What if they won't let it go?

DV and The Holidays and Domestic Violence:  The Holidays can be a Great Time to Move Forward: Planning for a Nourishing and SAFE Holiday

Getting Ready for a NEW YEAR: Planning for A Year without Domestic Violence and A Year with Healthier Relationships 

My Domestic Violence Treatment Check-In & Check-Up

Dr. B's DV Prevention & Education Blog: My Domestic Violence Treatment Check-In & Check-Up ( 

The Phenomenon of Jealousy and How it Relates to Domestic Violence

Respect Letter

The Often-Times Challenging Journey from Trauma to Hope and Confidence for People with Domestic Violence Offenses

"Getting Ready to Take Accountability for my DV Offense."  Accountability Practice Letter Worksheet -- 

Valentine's Day and Domestic Violence -- What does Valentine's Day Mean To You?  A Process Approach 

About Relationships: Unhealthy versus Healthy 

Empathy Recognition and It's Potential Role in Preventing Domestic Violence 

Dealing Effectively with Dysfunctional, Destructive, Negative Behaviors and Problems in Relationships

Using Children as a Form of Domestic Violence During a Relationship; and/or Parental Alienation as a Form of DV After the Intimate Relationship is Over

Create Your Emergency Toolkit 

for Prevention of Domestic Violence

>>> Mindfulness and Prevention of DV: 

   Where was I when my DV Happened? <<<




Accountability Letter Worksheet

Aftercare Planning for Success.

Turn in and Read Your Accountability Letter to The Group

Exit Interview Worksheet

Finally:  if your Evaluation and all of your Treatment Sessions have not been paid for, you must pay for them before you can be successfully Discharged. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Recognizing, Respecting and Setting Boundaries for Healthy Relationships

  What are Boundaries?  Who sets Boundaries?  Why do we need Boundaries?  What happens without Boundaries?  Do other people need Boundaries?  Do other people respect our Boundaries?  

Do we respect the Boundaries of others?  Do we respect our own Boundaries?  What might Boundaries have to do with a Healthy Relationship.  Or better still, What might Boundaries have to do with Domestic Violence?

  Boundaries can be defined as: “A line that marks the limits of an area; a dividing line.  Or a limit of a subject or sphere of activity” (Source).

 According to Wikipedia, “Personal boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave towards them and how they will respond when someone passes those limits.[1] They are built out of a mix of conclusions, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, past experiences and social learning.[2][3] This concept or life skill has been widely referenced in self-help books and used in the counseling profession since the mid-1980s.[4]

  "According to some counselors, personal boundaries help to define an individual by outlining likes and dislikes, and setting the distances one allows others to approach.[5] They include physical, mental, psychological and spiritual boundaries, involving beliefs, emotions, intuitions and self-esteem.[6] Jacques Lacan considered such boundaries to be layered in a hierarchy, reflecting "all the successive envelopes of the biological and social status of the person".[7] Personal boundaries operate in two directions, affecting both the incoming and outgoing interactions between people.[8] These are sometimes referred to as the "protection" and "containment" functions.[2]”  (Source).

  Wikipedia goes on to state that: “The personal boundaries concept is particularly pertinent in environments with controlling people or people not taking responsibility for their own life.[11]

  Co-Dependents Anonymous recommends setting limits on what members will do to and for people and on what members will allow people to do to and for them, as part of their efforts to establish autonomy from being controlled by other people's thoughts, feelings and problems.[13]

  The National Alliance on Mental Illness tells its members that establishing and maintaining values and boundaries will improve the sense of security, stability, predictability and order, in a family even when some members of the family resist.  NAMI contends that boundaries encourage a more relaxed, nonjudgmental atmosphere and that the presence of boundaries need not conflict with the need for maintaining an understanding atmosphere.[14] ”   (Source).


Risks of re-establishing (Boundaries)

 (Dr. B. says, "Okay, so let's say you and this other person have been really close for 6 months now.  But then, all the sudden, this person is not returning your phone calls. Whereas you used to talk to each other at least one time per day.  How would you feel?  How would anyone feel?  (Answer:  Perhaps the other person is "re-establishing boundaries" but didn't bother to tell you about it...).  It is important to note that re-establishing boundaries can cause friction.  At the same time, some people re-establish boundaries for their own wellbeing.  And we cannot argue with that.  However, perhaps we could at least hope they would be so kind as to give a warning before hand.")

 Feelings about Boundaries re-Appearing:  Music:  McCartney, No Longer Needs You

  In Families and How to Survive Them, Robin Skynner MD explains methods for how family therapists can effectively help family members to develop clearer values and boundaries by when treating them, drawing lines, and treating different generations in different compartments[15] – something especially pertinent in families where unhealthy enmeshment overrides normal personal values.[16] However, the establishment of personal values and boundaries in such instances may produce a negative fall-out,[16] if the pathological state of enmeshment had been a central attraction or element of the relationship.[17] This is especially true if the establishment of healthy boundaries results in unilateral limit setting which did not occur previously. It is important to distinguish between unilateral limits and collaborative solutions in these settings.[2] ”   (Source). 

Dr. B. says, "In other words, if we wish to change our boundaries, it is quite possibly more productive and even more kind and considerate in many cases, if we do this in collaboration with the other person." 

Clarity around Boundaries:

  Clarity around Boundaries is important.  Sometimes we break boundaries on purpose.  Other times, we just notice that they are there -- just in time before we break them -- whether we were told so or not.  

  Boundaries are not always about excluding people...   They often keep people together.  Such as the Boundaries in a Prison.  

  Boundaries help us know where we can go and where we must not go.  But, each person has her or his own boundaries also.  

  Sometimes, one needs to set boundaries around what is going on between themselves and their partner.  Other times, everything is A-okay... without setting boundaries.

Respecting Boundaries:  

  Boundaries are really important.  However, Boundaries can be meaningless if we do not respect the Boundaries of others; and if we do not also expect other adults to respect our Boundaries.

Respect is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. ... Respect means that you recognize that your partner is a whole person, and not just a way to get something that you want. It means that you know your partner has different experiences and opinions from you, and that's ok.  When we respect Boundaries: 

    • 1.       We Demonstrate trust.
    • 2.       We are mindful of how we communicate.
    • 3.       We are reliable and accountable.
    • 4.       We Encourage time apart.
    • 5.       We Appreciate our differences.
    • 6.       We Get to know ourselves and the other.

“Showing respect may sound complicated, but it’s really not.

It all comes down to listening to your partner, and being kind to them. If your partner wants to know where you are all the time, frequently accuses you of lying or cheating, puts you down, calls you names, or is in any way physically aggressive, you may be in an abusive relationship. Abusive relationships are based on power and control, rather than respect.” (Source).

  So, we really need to be respectful of our partners.  And a big part of that is Respecting her or his Boundaries.  It starts with Learning about your own Boundaries.  Then learning about your partner's Boundaries...  Learning how to Listen and and learning how to Care - and learning how to be Respectful -- no matter what's going.  And if there is a big difference, then it can be about learning how to negotiate and learning how to compromise.

 -- Remember: The faster and better one Respects a Partner's Boundaries -- almost no matter what they are -- the better the likelihood that one will be happier in the Relationship as it progresses.

What Types of Boundaries are there:

  Legal Boundaries -- The Bill of Rights and Constitution in the U.S.A. defined our Legal Boundaries as Americans.  Our Laws and Codes.

  Boundaries in Sports -- Out of Bounds or In Bounds.

  Moral Boundaries -- Our Moral Boundaries are summarized by Rules of Various Institutions and/or Dogma, such as the Honor Code at a University, as well as lists such as the 10 Commandments.

  Instrumental Boundaries – A Code of Conduct at Work.  Or the U.S. Marines who state: "Our Core Values are Honor, Courage and Commitment, and if you are to become one of us, they will be the values you live by and fight with as well."  Many believe that without these Core Values, the Marine Corps would not be as powerful as they are.

  Communal Boundaries – The "12 Steps" and the "12 Traditions" of AA, NA, CoDa, OA, ACOA or other 12-Step based Groups.  Land Covenants are examples of Communal Boundaries -- such as what color to paint your fences.

  National Boundaries – Obvious….  The Borders between different countries.

  Personal Boundaries– We are free to set these ourselves.  (Includes: Boundaries for Bio Family vs. Legal Family; Immediate Family vs. Extended Family; Biological Kin vs. Psychological Kin; Family vs. Friends; Boundaries for Friends vs. Acquaintances; Boundaries for Friends vs. Co-Workers; Boundaries for Known persons, versus Strangers.)  

Cultural Boundaries -- often based on Cultural Traditions.  In-Culture vs. Out-Culture.

Racial Boundaries -- Some have been unjust at times such as Apartheid and Segregation.  Whereas, others have been inclusive Racial Boundaries, meaning if you are one of us, then  you can come in.  Some Racial Boundaries are Formalized and some are not.  

Boundaries around Communications -- How to communicate and whether to communicate are common places for boundaries... for example, on an Emergency Dispatch Radio -- certain codes are used to indicate certain things.  Truckers and CB.  Ham Radio Operators have their own Codes.  Also, the Military uses different codes for different commands -- different expectations and styles and codes of conduct for communication transmission.  For example, during WWII, the German Central Command broadcasted the word "Dusseldorf" in order to tell their Commanders in the field that it was time to Invade Russia.

Boundaries around Reactions to things when Angry or Insecure -- we are not supposed to show too much emotion in many cases.  In other cases you can be yourself.  And still in some cases, if you do not cry, people will look at you weird.  Also, Big boys don't cry.

Boundaries around the acceptable extent of BOTH Good and Bad extremes.  It's one thing to be Bad, but don't be too bad.  Or like, "I may be a fool, but I ain't stupid.... I realize I'm younger than you, but I wasn't born yesterday."  Or the differences between a peaceful protest and a riot.

Coming from differences in Philosophy -- Different philosophies have different ideas about Boundaries -- Structuralism is largely about how something looks or how it is shaped; whereas Functionalism is largely about how well something Functions.  These takes on philosophy can effect a lot of things between people and between groups.  There is such a thing as Philosophical Differences.  

Boundaries about How to deal with Conflict (Inclusive Humanism (do we view it as us Humans all together and humans with differences together -- kind of like the way that Dr. King did); versus Forceful Invasion (us against them)) or exclusion or segregation based on beliefs of differences within a Win or Lose Paradigm.

Boundaries about how to Celebrate -- Some folks don't drink, but they do smoke weed.  Whereas some folks, don't ever use any mind-altering substances.  Finally, the daily drinker probably does not view drinking as a form of celebration any more due to his or her dependence on Alcohol.  More so he or she might now view drinking as a way to keep from shaking and a way to feel better.  Whereas for others, drinking is a party.

Boundaries around sex.  Some folks go one way; others go both ways.  

Boundaries around the house/home.  Who cleans up, who is allowed to make decisions about what color to paint the dining room?  What time is each person's bedtime?  Who decides?  What about the temperature preferences?  And who's paying the rent anyway?

Boundaries around work.  These days, work is supposed to be safe.  It was not always that way.  Boundaries around whether to clock in on a clock, or to keep your own time... or even just accept a salary.  And there's contract work with a piece of paper setting the boundaries.

Boundaries around predicting the future.  Is it possible?  What about magic?  What about telepathy.  Some people still view Edgar Cayce's work on Extrasensory Perception (ESP), Telepathy, Mind-Reading as the "occult"; other's view it as good science.  Still others view it as the work of the Devil.  

Boundaries around what is love.  What does Love mean to you?  What does it mean to your partner?  Sometimes, one might think they are showing Love to a partner, who perceives it as something other than Love.  And then there's Tough Love and Unconditional Love.

Boundaries around roles.  What is a Husband's role; versus a Wife's role.  Do both Husband and Wife have the same privileges -- the same boundaries -- or the same amount of power?    

Boundaries about each person trusting the other person to set their own boundaries.  Do both parties agree to this?  Who sets your Boundaries for you?

Boundaries around being more involved in the Community; versus being less involved in the Community.

Boundaries around whether or not we are in a committed relationship.  Are we?  A lot of times, people make the wrong assumptions about this.  Further, some couples eventually find that each person has a different idea of what is "being in a committed relationship".  For example, some people believe that once a committed relationship starts, the other person should not have friends outside of the relationship -- much less friends who are of the opposite sex -- or even friends that used to be lovers....  What do you think?  People tend to have boundaries around this stuff.

What about Boundaries for Ex's -- some Ex's wanna be friends.  Other's don't.  

Boundaries around sticking to our agreements -- What is it if one person feels one way about an agreement that was made; where as another person feels different about it.

Complicating factors

  Mental illness: People with certain mental conditions are predisposed to controlling behavior including those with obsessive compulsive disorder, paranoid personality disorder,[18] borderline personality disorder,[19] and narcissistic personality disorder,[20] attention deficit disorder,[21] and the manic state of bipolar disorder[21] (Source).

Dr. B. says, "This description (above) does not always apply to everyone with such Disorders."

  Borderline personality disorder (BPD): There is a tendency for loved ones of people with BPD to slip into caretaker roles, giving priority and focus to problems in the life of the person with BPD rather than to issues in their own lives. Too often in these relationships, the codependent will gain a sense of worth by being "the sane one" or "the responsible one".[22] 

  Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD): For those involved with a person with NPD, values and boundaries are often challenged as narcissists have a poor sense of self and often do not recognize that others are fully separate and not extensions of themselves. Those who meet their needs and those who provide gratification may be treated as if they are part of the narcissist and expected to live up to their expectations.[24]”  (Source).


  Codependency often involves placing a lower priority on one's own needs, while being excessively preoccupied with the needs of others. Codependency can occur in any type of relationship, including family, work, friendship, and also romantic, peer or community relationships.[25]

  While a healthy relationship depends on the emotional space provided by personal boundaries,[26] codependent personalities have difficulties in setting such limits, so that defining and protecting boundaries efficiently may be for them a vital part of regaining mental health.[16]

Dr. B says, "A person with Codependency might need to let go in order to feel okay -- in order regain their own Mental Health ... yet... such persons might also have a very difficult time letting go."  

  In a codependent relationship, the codependent's sense of purpose is based on making extreme sacrifices to satisfy their partner's needs. Codependent relationships signify a degree of unhealthy clinginess, where one person doesn't have self-sufficiency or autonomy. One or both parties depend on the other for fulfilment.[27] There is usually an unconscious reason for continuing to put another person's life first, often for the mistaken notion that self-worth comes from other people. ”   (Source).

Dysfunctional family:  

  Demanding parent: In the dysfunctional family the child learns to become attuned to the parent's needs and feelings instead of the other way around.[28]

  Demanding child: Parenting is a role that requires a certain amount of self-sacrifice and giving a child's needs a high priority. A parent can, nevertheless, be codependent towards a child if the caretaking or parental sacrifice reaches unhealthy or destructive levels.[29]”   (Source)."


Communal influences: Freud described the loss of conscious boundaries that may occur when an individual is in a unified, fast-moving crowd.[30]

  (Dr. B. says:  In other words, some people lose track of who they are individually and/or their own sense of Boundries, when they are focusing intensely on being in a Group.  It might be possible that this is one reason that some people are willing to undergo hazing rituals -- even dangerous ones.)

  Almost a century later, Steven Pinker took up the theme of the loss of personal boundaries in a communal experience, noting that such occurrences could be triggered by intense shared ordeals like hunger, fear or pain, and that such methods were traditionally used to create liminal conditions in initiation rites.[31] Jung had described this as the absorption of identity into the collective unconscious.[32]

  Rave culture has also been said to involve a dissolution of personal boundaries, and a merger into a binding sense of communality.[33]”  (Source).

Unequal power relations: Also unequal relations of political and social power influence the possibilities for marking cultural boundaries and more generally the quality of life of individuals.[34] Unequal power in personal relationships, including abusive relationships, can make it difficult for individuals to mark boundaries”   (Source).

Anger: Anger is a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. Often, it indicates when one's personal boundaries are violated. Anger may be utilized effectively by setting boundaries or escaping from dangerous situations.[35]” (Source).


Discussion Questions:

What does it mean when someone loves you?  Is your meaning the same as your partner's?  Do they have to be?

Boundaries around caring.. who's caring for whom?  Who is to take care of whom?  Who is most dependent on the other?  Who is most dependent on her or his own self?

What are some boundaries you feel you could have (or should have) set before in the relationship where you got your DV charge?

List some Boundaries that you would like to have now in a Relationship?

Am I worthy enough to set my own boundaries when I feel a need or a desire to do so?

Am I wise enough to know which boundaries to set?

Am I skilled enough to know how to appropriately set the boundaries that I need or want?

Am I strong enough to live with the boundaries that I have set?

Am I flexible enough to change boundaries when it is appropriate?

How do we react when someone else sets Boundaries that impact us?  

Am I a good enough of a Communicator to be able to Negotiate and Compromise with the other person, and to set boundaries Collaboratively when it's appropriate?

*** Please Remember.... Boundaries in Relationships are a Mutual kind of thing.  And while one might not agree with, or like a Boundary that their Partner has set; One should probably try one's best to accept that Boundary until further notice.... regardless of what that Boundary is.  

*** Please Click HERE to Complete Your Healthy Boundaries Worksheet ***

Music:  McCartney, For No One

       Probably better just to feel your way through Heartbreaking Boundaries, than to risk a DV Charge by going Redneck Crazy...



 (c. 2021, William T. Beverly, Ph.D., LCSW, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.).