Monday, September 25, 2023

Recognizing My Cognitive Distortions to Prevent Domestic Violence Thinking and Behaving

 What are Cognitive Distortions and Why do we do them?  “Cognitive Distortion (CD) is a term that you may be familiar with. The simplest descriptions of CD are ‘faulty thinking’ or ‘distorted thinking’ but there are a number of terms around that you may have also heard:  • Justification. • Neutralization. • Objectification. • Externalization. Or • Minimization.”

  Believe it or not, Cognitive Distortions are a normal part of being human: “The important first principle of understanding CD is the idea that it is a normal process that we all engage in, regardless of whether we are offenders or not. In fact, cognitive distortion is a normal psychological process that all human beings engage in, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, culture or socio-economic group."  

  We do Cognitive Distortions because: One way to look at it is that we all have our Defenses; and CD are types of Defenses.  “Faulty thinking patterns (or CD's) exist for many different reasons, but it is always true that the thinking error serves a purpose for the individual. Common purposes of cognitive distortion are as follows: 

1) To deny responsibility for our behavior; 

2) To deny or avoid negative consequences of our behavior; 

3) To allow us to continue to behave in a way that we know is wrong; 

4) To avoid facing painful emotions; 

5) To avoid or to deny change. (Source).

Food for Thought: How might Cognitive Distortions Impact Relationships as well as the lives of those who get stuck in their Distortions?

Here are some Popular Cognitive Distortions: 

  All-or-Nothing Thinking / Polarizing


  Mental Filter  

  Disqualifying the Positive

  Jumping to Conclusions

  The Mind Reading Error

  The Fortune Telling Error




  Emotional Reasoning

  Should Statements




  The Control Fallacies:

    The Fallacy of Fairness

    The Fallacy of Blaming

    The Fallacy of Change

    Always being Right

    Heaven's Reward Fallacy

    Rose-Colored Glasses

Here is what they look like in Action:      

  How do Cognitive Distortions relate to DV?  CD’s facilitate or inspire some of the crazy thinking that might lead us to feeling DV is a proper option or is justified.  CD helps humans feel that certain bad or risky behaviors (such as DV) are OK.  When in fact they are not.  

  What are some Popular Cognitive Distortions that are Related to DV?

"ALL-OR-NOTHING THINKING / Polarizing: We see things in black and white categories.

OVERGENERALIZATION: We see a single negative event as a never-ending pattern of defeat.

MENTAL FILTER: Picking a single negative or Positive detail and dwelling on it exclusively - all reality becomes unjustifiably darkened or unrealistically lightened. 

DISQUALIFYING THE POSITIVE: We reject positive experiences by insisting they “don’t count”.

JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS: We make a negative (or positive) interpretation even though there are no definite facts.

a.  The Mind Reading Error: We arbitrarily conclude (without proof) that someone is reacting negatively to you.

 b. The FortuneTeller Error: We anticipate that things will turn out badly – and believe it to be fact.  We confuse one's "truth" with The FACTs.

MAGNIFICATION (Catastrophizing) or MINIMIZATION: Exaggerating the positive impact of something much smaller; or Denying the negative of something much bigger.

EMOTIONAL REASONING: "I feel it, therefore it must be true."  Or basically, thinking with one's heart instead of one's brain.

SHOULD STATEMENTS: We try to motivate yourself with shoulds and shouldn’ts or “Musts” and “oughts”; as opposed to first and foremost navigating what is; or what is not.

LABELING AND MISLABELING: Over-generalization.  We attach a negative label (or very positive label) to yourself or others: “I’m a loser”; or "He's an idiot." 

PERSONALIZATION: We see ourselves as the cause of negative events which in fact we were not primarily responsible for."  (Much of this material came from: Source).

Some Other Cognitive  Distortions Include: 

  The Control Fallacies: If we feel externally controlled, we see ourselves as helpless -- a victim of fate. For example, “I can’t help it if the quality of the work is poor, my boss demanded that I work overtime on it -- so I was too tired to do everything correctly.” 

  •  The Fallacy of Internal Control: has us assuming responsibility for the pain and happiness of everyone around us.  For example, “Why aren’t you happy? Is it because of something I did?”
  •   The Fallacy of Fairness: We feel resentful because we think we know what is fair, but other people won’t agree with us. As our parents tell us, “Life is always fair”; or some say, "Life is not always"; and people who go through life applying a measuring ruler against every situation judging its “fairness” will often feel badly and negative because of it.
  •   The Fallacy of Blaming: We hold other people responsible for our pain, or take the other track and blame ourselves for every problem. For example, “Stop making me feel bad about myself!”  However, nobody can “make” us feel any particular way — only we have control over our own emotions and emotional reactions.
  •   Fallacy of Change: We expect that other people will change to suit us if we just pressure or cajole them enough. We need to change people because our hopes for happiness seem to depend entirely on them.
  •   Always Being Right: We are continually on trial to prove that our opinions and actions are correct. Being wrong is unthinkable and we will go to any length to demonstrate our rightness. For example, “I don’t care how badly arguing with me makes you feel, I’m going to win this argument no matter what because I’m right.” Being right often is more important than the feelings of others around a person who engages in this cognitive distortion, even loved ones.
  •   Heaven’s Reward Fallacy: We expect our sacrifice and self-denial to pay off, as if someone is keeping score.  We feel bitter when the reward doesn’t come.
  •   Rose-Colored Glasses: Failure to consider the down-side.  Forgetting to assess the costs in a Cost-Benefit Analysis.

Question -- Repeating from before
  1. In what ways might a given Cognitive Distortion Impact a given Relationships?  
  2. And How might unchecked Cognitive Distortions Impact one's life?

Solutions / Prevention:

How Can I Keep My Cognitive Distortions from Negatively Impacting My Life; or the Lives of those who Love Me?

Perhaps one of the  surest solutions to Cognitive Distortions is Critical Thinking: "the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment."  Or always try to be willing and able to consider possibilities that you haven't thought of before... 

One should always be willing to ask: "Is this Reality; or is this just one of my Cognitive Distortions?"

  "These are some ideas on ways to fix Cognitive Distortions:

  Check out this list of Ways to possibly FIX Cognitive Distortions:

    1. Identify the Cognitive Distortion -- Like what Am I doing wrong?
    2. Examine the Evidence
    3. Double Standard Method
    4. Thinking in Shades of Grey ("or Color... why not color?)"
    5. Experimental Method
    6. Survey Method
    7. The Semantic Method
    8. Definitions
    9. Re-Attribution
    10. Cost-Benefit Analysis

    Now, lets take a closer look at these ideas for solutions to Cognitive Distortions:

10 Proven Methods for Fixing Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive distortions have a way of playing havoc with our lives if we let them. A cognitive distortion takes place in our minds when we experience an upsetting event in our lives — a disagreement at work, an argument with a partner, a poor result in school — and we think about it in a way that reinforces negativity and feeling bad. While some may believe that “feeling bad’ is a necessary component of learning from our mistakes, many get stuck in a repetitive, reinforcing pattern of feeling bad about themselves. This can lead to lower self-esteem and a self-fulfilling prophecy in future interactions.

Cognitive distortions — also known as “stinkin’ thinkin'” — can be undone, but it takes effort and lots of practice, every day. If you want to stop the irrational thinking, you can start by trying out the exercises below.

"How to Fix Common Cognitive Distortions

You can use any one or a combination of the methods described below to combat irrational, automatic thoughts and cognitive distortions. Try a few of them out and look for the one that seems to work best for you, because different people respond to different ways of fixing their irrational thoughts.

1. Identify the Cognitive Distortion

The most important step of fixing any problem in your life is identifying exactly what the problem is and how extensive it is in your life. An auto mechanic starts with a diagnostic assessment of your car when it has a problem.

In this same manner, you need to identify and track the cognitive distortions in your daily thinking first, before you start working to change them. You do this by creating a list of the troublesome thoughts throughout the day, as you’re having them. This will allow you to examine them later for matches with a list of cognitive distortions.

An examination of your cognitive distortions allows you to see which distortions that you prefer. Additionally, this process allows you to think about each problem or predicament in a more natural or realistic manner. David Burns called this exercise keeping a daily mood log, but nowadays you can use an app or anything that’s convenient to record your cognitive distortions.

2. Examine the Evidence

Much like a judge overseeing a trial, the next step is to remove yourself from the emotionality of the upsetting event or episode of irrational thinking in order to examine the evidence more objectively. A thorough examination of an experience allows you to identify the basis for your distorted thoughts. If you are overly self-critical, you should identify a number of experiences and situations where you had success.

One effective method for examining the evidence is to look at individual thoughts connected to the event, and objectively decide whether those statements reflect an opinion or stone cold fact. For example, statements such as “I’m selfish” and “There’s something wrong with me” are opinions. “My co-worker spoke in angry voice toward me” and “I forgot to take out the trash” are facts. Segregating facts from opinions can help you determine which are likely to be a component of a cognitive distortion (the opinions) and therefore need your focus and efforts to undo.

3. Double Standard Method

An alternative to “self-talk” that is harsh and demeaning is to talk to ourselves in the same compassionate and caring way that we would talk with a friend in a similar situation. We are frequently much harder on ourselves than the people we care about in our lives, whether it be a friend or family member. We would never think of speaking to a close friend in the way we speak to ourselves in our own mind.

Instead of treating yourself with a different standard than what you hold everyone else to, why not use one single standard for everyone including yourself? Isn’t that more fair than using a double-standard? Give yourself the same encouragement that you would a trusted friend.

Imagine studying for an exam and telling a friend, “You’re going to screw this up, just like you screw everything else up!” Yet these are the same kinds of thoughts that run through many students’ minds before an exam. Can you answer such automatic, negative thoughts back with a rational response? For example, “You’re going to do well on this exam, I just know it. You studied hard for it and did your best to memorize the material. I believe in you.”

4. Thinking in Shades of Gray

Learning to undo black-and-white (or polarized) thinking can be challenging, because our minds take cognitive shortcuts to simplify processing of stimuli in order to hurry our ability to make a decision or choose a response. Black-and-white thinking can sometimes serve a good purpose, but it often leads a person down a path of irrational belief too.

Instead of thinking about a problem or predicament in an either-or polarity, thinking in shades of gray requires us to evaluate things on a scale of 0 through 100. When a plan or goal is not fully realized, think about and evaluate the experience as a partial success on this kind of scale.

For example, someone might think, “You can’t do anything right. You just blew your diet by having that second bite of ice cream.” What is the likelihood that a person’s entire dieting routine — that they’ve been following rigorously for months — is now made worthless by a single additional bite of ice cream? On our scale of 0 through 100, it might be about 1 percent likelihood.

5. Experimental Method

Can you test whether your irrational thoughts have any basis in fact outside of a trial? You sure can, by using the same kinds of methods that science uses in order to test a hypothesis.

For example, let’s say you’ve been putting off organizing your digital photos because it’ll be “too hard” or “I just can’t do it.” What if the task was broken down into smaller parts, such as tackling just a single month at a time in one sitting? Is the thought that it’s just “too hard” still true, now that you’ve broken the task into smaller, attainable components?

In another example, imagine a person who believes over time that she is no longer liked by her friends because they never connect with her on social media or call. Could that person test whether it was true that her friends no longer like her? What if she reached out to them and asked them out to lunch or for drinks one day? While it’s not likely all of her friends will accept an invitation, it’s likely at least one or two of them will, providing clear evidence in support of the fact that her friends still like her.

6. Survey Method

Similar to the experimental method, the survey method is focused on asking others in a similar situation about their experiences to determine how irrational our thoughts might be. Using this method, a person seeks the opinions of others regarding whether their thoughts and attitudes are realistic.

For example, a person might believe, “Romantic partners should never fight. And if they do fight, they should never go to bed angry at one another.” Who could they survey to see whether this is true or not? A few friends who appear to be in happy relationships might be a good start. That person would soon realize that all couples fight, and while it may be a good idea not to go to bed angry, plenty of people do and their relationship is just fine despite that.

If you want to double-check on the rationality of your thought, check in with a few trusted friends to see what their opinions and experiences are.

7. The Semantic Method

When a person engages in a series of should statements (“I should do this” or “I shouldn’t do that”), they are applying a set of unwritten rules to their behavior that may make little sense to others. Should statements imply a judgment about your or another person’s behavior — one that may be unhelpful and even hurtful.

Every time you find yourself using a should statement, try substituting “It would be nice if…” instead. This semantic difference can work wonders in your own mind, as you stop “should-ing” yourself to death and start looking at the world in a different, more positive manner. Shoulds make a person feel bad and guilty about themselves. “Wouldn’t it be nice and more healthy if I started watching what I ate more?” puts the thought into a more curious, inquisitive phrasing — one where the answer might be yes, but might also be no (for instance, if you’ve just started cancer treatment, now’s not a good time to change your eating habits).

8. Definitions

For people who are more intellectual and like to argue about minutiae, this method of arguing with your cognitive distortions might come in handy. What does it mean to define ourselves as “inferior,” “a loser,” “a fool,” or “abnormal.” An examination of these and other global labels may reveal that they more closely represent specific behaviors, or an identifiable behavior pattern, instead of the total person.

When a person starts delving into the definition of a label and asking questions about those definitions, the results can be surprising. For instance, what it does it mean to think of yourself as “inferior”? Inferior to who? Others at your workplace? What are their specific work experiences and backgrounds? Aren’t they all inferior to someone else too? The more questions you ask when challenging a definition or label, the more you may come to realize the uselessness of such labels — especially when applied to ourselves.

9. Re-attribution

In personalization and blaming cognitive distortions, a person will point the finger to themselves for all of the negative things they experience, no matter what the actual cause.

In re-attribution, a person identifies external factors and other individuals that contributed to the problem or event. Regardless of the degree of responsibility a person assumes, a person’s energy is best utilized in the pursuit of resolutions to problems or identifying ways to cope with predicaments. By assigning responsibility accordingly, you’re not trying to deflect blame, but ensure you’re not blaming yourself entirely for something that wasn’t entirely your fault.

For example, if a project at work failed to get done on time and you were one of the members of the 5-member team, you’re one-fifth to blame for the project missing its deadline. From an objective perspective, you are not entirely to blame for the missed deadline.

10. Cost-Benefit Analysis

This method for answering an irrational belief relies on motivation rather than facts to help a person undo the cognitive distortion. In this technique, it is helpful to list the advantages and disadvantages of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. A cost-benefit analysis will help to figure out what a person is gaining from feeling bad, distorted thinking, and inappropriate behavior.

“How will it help me to believe this negative, irrational thought, and how will it hurt me?” If you find the disadvantages of believing a thought outweigh the advantages, you’ll find it easier to talk back and refute the irrational belief. "  (SOURCE)

*** Please CLICK HERE to complete your

Cognitive Distortions  Worksheet ***



One song that demonstrates Cognitive Distortions in DV Thinking is "Redneck Crazy"


From: Beck, A. T. (1976). Cognitive therapies and emotional disorders. New York: New American Library.  Burns, D. D. (1980). Feeling good: The new mood therapy. New York: New American Library.  Retrieved from:

(Burns, David D. Feeling Good. Morrow, 1980; & from: Grohol, J. “15 Common Cognitive Distortions; 1992-2012, Psych Central).

(Compiled by Dr. Beverly, July 2013)

DVOMB Core Competencies Objectives for his Lesson:

_______R)    Identification and challenge of cognitive distortions

_______1. Offender identifies and challenges cognitive distortions that play a role in the offender’s violence

_______2. Offender demonstrates an understanding of distorted view of self, others, and relationships (e.g. gender role stereotyping, misattribution of power and responsibility, sexual entitlement

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

BASIC DBT Skills for Prevention of Domestic Violence-Type Thinking and Feeling and Domestic Violence Itself!

 BASIC DBT Skills for Prevention of Domestic Violence-Type Thinking and Feeling and Domestic Violence Itself!  

What are the moments when DV happens truly made of?  

  Stress, Anger, Impatience, Disrespect of others and Disrespect of self...  Other feelings?  Fear, Rage, Exhaustion...

   It wasn't me... I wasn't thinking...          I wasn't there... 100%  I don't even remember what happened...

   I was off my center.  I ran out of patience.   I couldn't stand it any more.

  It was all her fault...  It was all his fault.

  So how did that work out for ya???

  What's say we try a few DBT Skills???

DBT TIPP Skills:  Presentation

  Trick your body into feeling like you are under water

  Intense Exercise

  Paced Breathing

  Paired Muscle Relaxation

Mindfulness How Skills:  Presentation

  How to Observe

  How to Describe

  How to Participate

Mindfulness of Current Emotions:  Presentation

  Notice the Emotion and observe it

  Be willing to experience the emotion (Notice where in your body you feel it.)

  Respect and Love your Emotions (Even the painful ones).

  Do not Judge your Emotions.  (They are what they are.)

  Practice Loving your Emotions

Wise-Mind:  Presentation

  "An Intuitive, Centered State of Mind -- where you are the wisest and make the most effective decisions."

  "Not Emotion Mind and Not Reasonable Mind.

  Emotion Mind (State of mind when your emotions control your Thoughts, Urges and Behaviors).

  Reasonable Mind (State of mind when your reason controls your (Thoughts, Urges and Behaviors).
  You lose your sense of empathy.

  Wise-Mind represents the Integration of Emotion Mind and Reason Mind

  Knowing facts and log as well as tuning into emotions and senses" (Source.)


  Using DBT for Stress