Sunday, May 3, 2020

Domestic Violence Reportedly More Prevalent During CORONA-Virus / COVID-19 Shutdowns

  Many Suspected this would happen when communities throughout the World commenced their compulsory shut downs due to CORONA-Virus COVID-19.  
  Now it is upon us; What will we do now to make things right?

Saturday, May 2, 2020

DV "On the Rise" per the WHO (World Health Organization" during COVID-19 Lockdowns

   This article states: "Though data are scarce, countries are reporting up to a 60% increase for April, compared to the same month last year, in emergency calls by women who are subjected to violence from their intimate partners, Kluge said. Online queries to hotlines have increased up to five times, he added."
DV "On the Rise" during COVID-19 Lockdowns