Sunday, December 26, 2021

Dr. B's Holiday Hours

 The Holidays are coming!!!  The Holidays are coming!!! 

  There will be some temporary schedule changes due to the Holidays.  And there are many other available Groups for Men and for Women over the next 2 weeks; hence there is no excuse for missing DV Groups over the next 2 weeks.  
  Please note that throughout the next two weeks, all DV Groups will go on as regularly scheduled unless they are listed as having temporary changes below.


Please See Schedules Below: 

   FRIDAY, December 24th (Christmas Eve):  

                  There will be a Men's DV Group at 9 a.m. 

                  There will be a Women's DV Group at 11 a.m. that morning.  

                There will be no other DV Groups on Friday the 24th due to it being Christmas Eve.   No Sessions will happen on Friday, December 24th AFTER 12-noon because it is Christmas eve.  All other DV Groups on all other days and evenings will go on as always.  Please click here to view the regular schedule.


   SATURDAY, December 25th (Christmas Day):

                  There will be a Men's DV Group at 11 a.m. 

   FRIDAY, December 31st (New Years Eve):  All Groups will go on as regularly scheduled:

There will be a Women's Virtual Friday Morning DV Group (Conference Call only).  [Fridays from 11 to 12:30 p.m.]

There will be a Men's Trinidad Friday Evening DV Group (Conference Call only).  [Fridays from 4 to 5:30 p.m.]

There will be a Men's Trinidad Friday Evening DV Group {Level A & Diversion Only} (In-Person Clients only). [Fridays from 6 to 7:30 p.m.]

   SATURDAY, January 1st, 2022 (New Years Day 2022):  

                  There will be a Men's DV Group at 11 a.m. 

*** Please go to this LINK in order to view the Schedule to see other available Groups that one might attend.


*** IMPORTANT *** Please NOTE: In order to be on track toward Successfully Completing DV Treatment, one must complete certain Worksheets and Forms on a Weekly Basis.

  Schedule of Virtual DV Sessions: If you are a DV Client and you do not have INDIVIDUAL pre-Scheduled weekly Session with Dr. B. or with Lucy, you should attend one of these sessions EVERY WEEK.  For a Schedule of Dr. B's DV Sessions 

*** CLICK HERE! for Dr. B's NEW Schedule of Group Sessions! ***

***QXR & CONSENT FORM for Attending In-Person DV Sessions.  CLICK HERE NOW!!!***

  Absence Attestations: If you have recently not had a session for a given week, you will need to complete an Absence Attestation.  In order to Complete your Absence Attestation, please CLICK HERE! 

  Treatment Planning: If you have not completed a Treatment Plan or a Treatment Planning Review over the last 10 weeks, you should do so as soon as possible.  CLICK HERE to complete a New or Revised Treatment Plan.

  Session Feedback Forms: If you have had any session of any kind (Group or Individual) with Dr. B. or with Lucy, you should complete one of these Feedback Forms for EVERY WEEK you have attended.  Ideally, you should do these each week -- right after you complete the Topic Worksheet for that Session.  CLICK HERE to complete your Session Feedback Form(s).

(c. 2020, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic                                                                                        and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.)

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Personality Traits and Prevention of DV

How do Personality or Personality Traits Impact Our Relationships?

  Please consider that some study results "demonstrate(d) that personality traits shape the overall quality of one's relationship, which in turn influences the likelihood of relationship dissolution" (Source).   In other words, a Personality can make-or-break a relationship.

  And dissolution could also perhaps increase the possibility of Domestic Violence.  Because some of the most possibly violent times in a relationship are the months just before and the months just after a relationship Breaks-Up.  Then of course, perhaps our Personality Traits could influence DV-type Thinking, DV-Type Feeling and DV-Type Behaviors.

  Also, according to NIH, "Among the Big Five personality traits, emotional stability is often associated with positive relationship expectations. Whereas, low levels of emotional stability (a.k.a. high neuroticism) increases relationship instability and the likelihood of breakups (Roberts et al., 2007; Solomon and Jackson, 2014).Sep 29, 2017). 

Personality Traits might include the following: agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and emotional stability, flexibility, optimism, positivity, negativity, and pessimism,  sense of humor, empathy, assertiveness, curiosity, confidence, open-mindedness, self-awareness, and others.

Close Relationships and Personality Traits:

  “Understanding personality effects and their role in influencing relationship quality, varied according to gender and relationship duration, could help us better understand close relationships. Participants were Chinese dating dyads (couples) and were asked to complete both the Big Five Inventory and Perceived Relationship Quality Component scales. Males and those who had a long-term relationship perceived better relationship quality; individuals who scored higher on agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness, and emotional stability enjoyed better relationship quality; gender and/or relationship duration moderated the actor effect of extraversion and the partner effects of conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness on relationship quality. Regarding the profile similarity, those couples who were more dissimilar in their profile personality had better relationship quality, especially when they were in a relatively long-term relationship. Meanwhile, with an increase in profile similarity, the males' perceived relationship quality decreased.”

  People are born into a complex network of social relations, of which the intimate relationship is one of the most important. In this kind of relationship, individuals interact with each other directly and deeply to pursue and construct a happy life.  A good long-term romantic relationship, in turn, can make an individual happier and lead to longer life expectancy (Claxton et al., 2012).

  In explorations of the factors affecting romantic relationship quality at the individual level, the role of personality has been widely confirmed.  Personality is a stable and fundamental psychological construct (Donnellan et al., 2005).  It (personality) better predicts the degree of relationship quality compared to other factors related to romantic relationships—such as attitudes, values, and beliefs (Luo and Klohnen, 2005). Therefore, understanding how personality influences the relationship quality can help scholars better understand the mechanisms of romantic relationship variation.” (

 Dr. B. Says, It's not always about our Personalities not Matching, or about our Values, or our Beliefs.  It's probably more about how our Personality allows us to convey our values and beliefs through our own Personality features.  And it's also about how our personality impacts the way we perceive the Values and Beliefs of others.

Personality Traits that may be helpful for Healthy Relationships include -- 

Which ones..... I gotta know!?!?!?

"There really is no one way to be or act in a relationship. We're all so different, and we all bring unique aspects of ourselves to the table, so if you're asking yourself how to be in a relationship, know that it's truly tough to pinpoint any specific personality traits all people who have success in love have in common.

 In reality, anyone, if they want it, can have a successful relationship. But there are a few traits that can make sharing your life with someone a helluva lot easier. "Successful relationships don't just happen by chance," Chicago-area couples therapist Theresa Herring, LMFT tells Bustle. "They require people to be intentional and do things that fill the relationship's emotional bank account rather than deplete it." That's why traits like flexibility, optimism, and positivity can go a long way when it comes to finding and keeping a healthy, long-term relationship, whereas things like negativity or pessimism might just get in the way."

Dr. B. says: "The Balance of the Emotional Bank Account Gets Higher with positive experiences with each other.  And positive experiences tend to depend on each person's Personality Traits and how they express them with their words , gestures and behaviors.  They also depend on how one perceives as well.  Basically, it's important to enjoy and make good memories with your partner."

 The original article continues: 

"That doesn't, however, mean you can't be in a healthy relationship if you aren't super cheerful, or a natural "glass half full" type. "While certain personality traits can help you find and maintain love, don't worry if you don't have them," Herring says. "These traits can be learned."  They're something you can decide to work on, and slowly begin to practice in your life.  You can also develop them by going to therapy, where you might, for example, learn to think with more positivity than negativity.

 Anyone can create a healthy, loving relationship if they want to.  And anyone can pick up the personality traits that make a LTR easier.  Here are the traits that experts say come in handy when it comes to having success with love."


1   Flexibility

Loving, long-term relationships require a certain degree of flexibility — especially when disagreements and conflicts arise. So the more you're willing to not always get your way and compromise, the better.

"If you are more flexible in your thinking style, then you typically have an easier time seeing another point of view and accepting that [there's often not a] 'right' or 'wrong' in a situation," relationship expert Sara Sedlik, MA, LMFT tells Bustle. "Both sides can be validated and both sides can learn to find the 'win-win' in a disagreement."

"This is a trait you can decide to adopt for yourself, by simply deciding you'll let things slide, and having a more "go with the flow" attitude. But it's also a trait that can be cultivated, possibly with the help of a therapist, who might be able to help you uncover why you were feeling more rigid in the past."


2   A Sense Of Humor

 "If anything's going to make life easier, and help you through difficult times, it's a sense of humor. "Humor is the most sophisticated of the natural defense mechanisms," Sedlik says. "If you take yourself too seriously, you are likely to let the small things weigh on you. If you can add humor into your life, and make light of a personally challenging situation or idiosyncrasy together (you both have to be on the same side of humor here), then the emotional charge is definitely less." (Andrew Zaeh for Bustle).

Dr. B. Says, "Making something lighter with a touch of humor or humility; is not the same as laughing at someone or being sarcastic.  Obviously, the latter could be destructive.  Basically, it comes down to not taking yourself too seriously.  Remember: It's more helpful to laugh with your partner; than to laugh at your partner."

 The original article continues: 

3   Empathy

"If a relationship is going to go the distance, it'll pretty much be a requirement that both partners have a strong sense of empathy. "This is the most important, in my opinion, because without empathy, we judge," Sedlik says. "And judgment leads to disconnection."  And disconnection leads to breakups."

Dr. B. says: "Empathy and Sympathy are NOT the same." 

The article continues:  "At the root of all relationships is the need to feel safe and vulnerable and truly seen for who we are without judgment," she says. "When we have empathy, we can reserve judgment and listen, validate, and have emotional connection."  (Andrew Zaeh for Bustle)."


4   Assertiveness

Assertiveness is another big one. "People in healthy relationships are able to state their needs and ask for them to be met," Herrings says. "They also, in turn, respond to their partner's requests," which is why this trait can help foster healthy, long-term relationships.

It can, however, be a tricky trait to learn — especially if you're shy or anxious. But again, it's something everyone can pick up, with time.   (Andrew Zaeh for Bustle)."

Dr. B. says, "A Key ingredient to Assertiveness is being Respectful.  Assertiveness requires Respect.  Whereas Aggressiveness or Aggression is different from Assertiveness.  When we are Aggressive, we are typically being Disrespectful.  And Disrespect kills relationships.  Think about it: Would you want to be with someone who disrespected you?"


5   Curiosity

"Curiosity is one trait that should be brought to a relationship in the beginning, and maintained from there on out. "Curiosity is crucial to maintaining healthy relationships because the ability to remain curious heads off relationship-damaging assumptions," therapist Alice Roberts, CSW tells Bustle. "When something goes wrong, a curious person holds their judgement until they understand more about the situation."

But a curious person might also find that their relationship stays fun and fresh, too — which goes a long way when it comes to staying together. "Curiosity ... helps couples avoid stagnation, as the curious couple is always going to be up for seeking out new adventures together," Roberts says.  (Alice Roberts, CSW).

Dr. B says: "If we remain curious -- especially in difficult times -- then we can hold off on judging our partner; and possibly head off the negative impact." 


6   Confidence

"People who are confident know what they want out of life, and they know how to get it, which is why "confidence plays a huge role in both attracting a partner and maintaining a secure long-term relationship," Roberts says.

"It's also a trait that makes it more likely you'll stand up for yourself in a relationship. As Roberts says, "Confident individuals are less prone to losing themselves in a relationship, allowing them to enjoy their partner as their equal." "Like assertiveness, confidence might seem like a trait that's impossible to attain. But it's one that can be worked on, and developed over time, with the help of friends, family — and possibly even a therapist."  (Andrew Zaeh for Bustle).

Dr. B. says, "Losing one's self in a relationship can be known as Codependency.  And this is sometimes a negative trait."


7   Positivity

"Again, you don't have to be a ray of sunshine in order to find love. But a sense of positivity certainly doesn't hurt. "When we’re around happy, upbeat individuals, it makes us happier too," Kat Haselkorn, a matchmaker with Three Day Rule in Washington, DC, tells Bustle. "Positivity makes you more fun to be around and can attract potential partners to you like a moth to a flame. If you’re a glass half empty person, it’s not the end of the world. Try to keep some of the negativity to yourself and find the positive spin on things. Then verbalize that."

 Positivity can also make relationship woes feel less earth-shattering. If you're going through a rocky period, for example, a sense of positivity can see you and your partner through to the other side.  (Hannah Burton/Bustle).


8   Open-Mindedness

 "If you're on a mission to find "the One," keeping an open mind certainly can help. "One reason for this is — love doesn't always come in the package we expect," Haselkorn says. "It's funny how many people have this checklist of characteristics they think they need to fall in love with someone, when really, that kind of rigid thinking can be isolating and lead to few opportunities for a relationship." That's why, people who allow themselves to "date outside the box," so to speak, may have more success in love.   (Andrew Zaeh for Bustle).

Dr. B. Says, "At the same time while you are trying not to be too picky, you want to be somewhat choosy and careful, and above all, take your time."


9   Self-Awareness

 Dr. B. says: "Being aware of ourselves helps us prevent bad things, and helps us say things that we need to say.  It also helps us know what we need.  It also helps us know what we don't want or don't need.  And it also helps us be more confident of ourselves; which then helps us be more pleasant and appealing to others.  

  It's important to identify, process, and accept  your own pain in life.  A cure is also a really wonderful thing.  At the same time, one should be careful to NOT be Ruminating to much -- or obsessing too much about the negative things in their life.  In other words if your World seems filled with negativity, it is good to avoid expressing negative emotions all the time.  Each expression (whether it's good or bad) has it's most appropriate and most effective time, place and situation to be shared.  


And Surely There are Other Traits that could be Helpful to Having Good and Healthy Long Term Relationships.... RIGHT ???

In what ways might these Positive Personality Traits help prevent Domestic Violence?

  •   More positivity -- can help ward off negative thinking and regretful behaviors.  
  •   Staying Curious keeps us from being too judgmental.  Be sure that you truly KNOW what you think you know.  Judging the other person critically or too intensely or too often can lead to Domestic Violence or a breakup, to say the least. 
  •   Empathy, or being more aware of others' feelings also helps us develop more understanding and perhaps even more patience; which also helps reduce DV.
  •   Being assertive instead of being aggressive means we are more respectful and less disrespectful.  Which also means we are more communicative and less threatening.  And finally, it means we are probably more likely to get what we want and need.  
  •   Being less insecure, and less jealous helps our relationships.  Being more secure helps us prevent jealousy as well.  Being secure in yourself is important.
  •   Also being less rigid... or less one-minded can help.  Being more open-minded helps us to be able to truly consider things the other person is saying to us.  It also helps us be more patient.  And again, patience helps us prevent violence.
  •   Being more flexible helps bring even very serious conflicts to a peaceful ending.  Look for win-win solutions. 
  •   Being more able to compromise can be a key to happiness and longevity in healthy relationships.
  •   Being fun to be with promotes confidence and is almost always a plus to help smooth things out and prevent crises.  Being fun to be with helps generate really good memories also.  And good memories are important.
  • So above all, learn to laugh at yourself.

Think about it:  Could it be possible if BOTH me and my partner have healthier personality traits; then couldn't we have a better Relationship...  A more satisfying relationship.  And of course, a Relationship Free of Violence?

What might be your Positive Personality Profile???

*** Please CLICK HERE to 

Complete Your Positive Personality Profile Worksheet.***

(Originally Published 11/30/2020)


(From the Article: "9 Interesting Personality Traits All People Who Have Success With Love Have In Common"   (By:  BDG Media, Inc. By Carolyn Steber, May 3, 2018).  (Source).

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

REMINDER: During these COVID-19 Times, Every One of Us Should Be Careful and Considerate of Others, Right?

IMPORTANT!  Please Read this:

  This means that if we are attending -- or planning to attend -- any of Dr. B's DV Sessions In-Person we need to follow the guidelines as explained in the "COVID-19 In-Person Treatment Rules, Screener, & Hold Harmless Agreement".  

  And please remember that you should NOT attend DV Sessions In-Person if you are experiencing any kind or symptoms or sickness from any illness. If you are feeling ill, or if you have been around someone who is ill, please DO NOT attend in-person. Rather, if you feel well enough, please attend via Conference Call for now.  

  REMEMBER: If you have been experiencing Fever, Cough or Breathing Difficulty within the past 12 days, DO NOT ATTEND IN-Person Groups.  

  And also, DO NOT ATTEND In-Person if you have been in close physical contact in the last 14 days with Anyone who is known to have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19.  

  Finally, DO NOT ATTEND IN-Person If you have been in close physical contact in the last 14 days with Anyone who has any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 

  If you are not sick, you will still need to attend weekly sessions.  Hence, if you cannot attend in-person, you will be accommodated either On-Line or Over the Telephone.  Check the Schedule of Sessions Here.

  At In-Person Sessions, you may wear a mask if you wish; and please always be sure to keep 6-feet away from others.

  Whether you are healthy as an Ox; or sick as a dog; Please CLICK HERE to Complete the In-Person Group and Individual Treatment Consent form (even if you have already completed one of these).  Please do this before your next Session.  Demonstrating an understanding of this information is required in order to attend Dr. B's DV In-Person Sessions.

  Have a Safe and Happy Day!

  Thank you.


Monday, October 11, 2021

Making Positive Changes In Order to Prevent Domestic Violence in the Future

  Regardless of how we each feel about our particular Domestic Violence Offense; the facts are that we each have been ordered by a Court to successfully complete DV Treatment. We are each unique as Human Beings.  And we each come to this Domestic Violence Treatment Program out of different backgrounds, different types of Relationships, and with different thoughts and feelings about the process itself.  

  Certainly, we all come from diverse backgrounds, and our reasons for being in this session today are different as well.  And Diversity most certainly seems to be extremely important to the survival of the Human Species.  

  Still in all there are common threads that pull us together.  As it was affirmed by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who during a Commencement Address at the American University in Washington, DC on June 10, 1963 -- just months before his assassination – said to the hopeful Graduates and Faculty:  

 “So, let us not be blind to our differences--but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.  For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet.  We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal” (Source).

The Purpose(s) of Domestic Violence Treatment:

  The primary purpose of Domestic Violence Offender Treatment is to help prevent the harms done by Domestic Violence to everyone who is directly or indirectly involved in Domestic Violence behavior -- either as a victim, a perpetrator, or as a witness.  

  The secondary purpose of Domestic Violence Offender Treatment is to help Domestic Violence Offenders to NEVER AGAIN commit Domestic Violence through helping them eliminate, or substantially reduce their Risk Factors and by showing them how to make positive changes to their Perceptions, Thinking, Feeling and Behavior that relates to Domestic Violence.     

  Another important part of Domestic Violence Offender Treatment is helping Domestic Violence Offenders to have Healthier Relationships with more positive outcomes.  

  And finally, yet another crucial part of this Treatment is to help Domestic Violence Offenders to develop more positive images of themselves through Support, Treatment and Education. 

  A byproduct of this treatment is to help DV Offenders to never again be accused of, arrested for, or charged with a Domestic Violence - related Offense. 

Admitting To The Problem Is Often The First Step

  By definition the word, PROBLEM, can be defined as: “a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome” (Source).

  And just as with Alcoholism, Substance Dependency or other behavioral problems and diseases, in order to begin learning how to prevent this problem; we first must first admit that we have a problem.  

  If no one was harmed by what we were accused of doing in terms of Domestic Violence, and if we did not at all mind getting arrested, the handcuffs, sitting in jail, the jail food, those filthy showers, Jailhouse B.S., Court, all the costs associated, the Lawyer, the forms, getting printed, the fees we have to pay, the hopelessness and the fear, the shame and the guilt, the drug tests, probation or diversion officer meetings and eventually coming to see Dr. B.; then perhaps we do not really have "a Problem".  

  Of course, one would also have to consider whether or not one's DV-related Offense caused anyone else any sort of harm before being able to truly determine whether or not we have a problem.  

  If no harm or inconvenience to anyone involved can be identified -- I think it is safe to say that there is not necessarily an identified Problem here.  But still, given the Court Order, we need to work on it so that it can never happen again.

Realistic Change:

  It is important that we do not have Expectations that are either too High or too Low.  Positive Change can take a short time; or a very long time.  It's a step-by-step process -- or sometimes, it just kind of materializes.  However, once a person puts his or her foot down and says, "I need to make a change and I am ready to make this change -- Today!"; it is likely that their change is already happening.  And still -- more than likely -- there is a long way yet to go.

Making Changes for the Better: 

  The first part of making changes is knowing that a change needs to be made.  If a DV Offender truly believes that he or she has no changes that need to be made in their life, then a reasonable person might start to get curious as to why they feel that way.  How could a person get a DV-related charge and believe that all is well and there is no need for change?  In such cases, it might be that this person is what we could call "STUCK". 
  Or perhaps she or he feels like a Victim of the offense still and is not ready to become Accountable for the things he or she did; and then hopefully move toward making the changes needed to become a Survivor.  
  Becoming a Survivor requires being honest and accountable about one's self after taking a really good look at one's thinking, feeling and behaviors and how this DV Offense either involved or impacted one's self and others.
  A good look into one's life requires that one be assessed in terms of the following:
  • One's Biological Issues / Physical Issues / Health Issues that may have contributed to their Offense in the Long-Term or in the Short-Term; (e.g.: Certain Disabilities that might contribute to the over-dependency on the other person; or increase the possibility of DV-related Behavior; or Chronic Illnesses that impact their lives, or even Brain Injuries that change they way we think and act);
  • One's Psychological / Emotional / Perceptual or Thinking Issues that may have contributed to their Offense in the Long-Term or in the Short-Term; (e.g.: Paranoia, Learning Disabilities / Perceptual Disabilities (Hallucinations), PTSD, High Stress, Delusions, High Anxiety, Low Self-Esteem, Poor Anger Management skills, Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder (Mania or Extreme Depression), History of being abused or neglected as a child etc..);
  • One's Substance Abuse or other Addiction-Related Issues that may have contributed to their Offense in the Long-Term or in the Short-Term; (e.g.: Spending all the money on drugs; Gets violent when they drink; or Ongoing Legal Problems, Antisocial Associates etc...);
  • One's Social Issues that may have contributed to their Offense in the Long-Term or in the Short-Term(e.g.: Explosive Temper; Rage, Extremely Isolative -- doesn't want partner to go out; Never Accountable, Doesn't keep commitments; Isolating partner from family; Unable to give partner space; Stalking partner; Dependent Personality; Unaware of one's own impact on others; Co-Dependency; Impatience, Too Controlling; Dishonesty);
  • One's Spiritual Issues that may have contributed to their Offense in the Long-Term or in the Short-Term; (e.g.: Lacking a feeling of purpose in life; Extremely pessimistic / negative thinking all the time, Mis-Uses Faith to control partner, Over-estimates their own power, etc.. );
  • One's Criminogenic Needs-related and Risk Factor-related Issues that may have contributed to their Offense in the Long-Term or in the Short-Term; (e.g.: Various issues including Previous DV or other Violence-related Charges; Lack of productivity or work; Antisocial Attitude (doesn't care who they hurt); Extremely negative influences; Habitual run-ins with Police; Theft; Uses others to get what they want, Disrespectful of the Rights of others, etc...); and/or
  • One's Behavioral Issues that may have contributed to their Offense in the Long-Term or in the Short-Term: (e.g.: Acts without thinking; Very impulsive; Inattentive, Hyperactive, Intimidating, Difficulty Communicating, Unable to control behavior when upset).
  One should take a thorough inventory of these features (and/or others) in order to discover what changes need to be made so that they can prevent DV in the future.

Planning for Positive Change -- Where the Rubber Meets the ROAD!!!.

  In Planning for Positive Change, it is helpful if one considers how the issues discussed above might look when they meet one's day-to-day reality.  Think about the following questions in terms of how they might have contributed to your DV-Related Offense:

  •   What are some people, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, circumstances or things in my life that contributed to me getting this DV Offense?
  •   What are the people, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, circumstances or things that put me most at risk of having another DV-Type offense?
  •   What are some changes I could make that could help prevent DV Offenses in the future?
  •   What could my life look like if I made all of the right changes?  Different in a good way, Right?

Problem Solving -- Some possible Stages to Solving Our Problems could be:

  1. Admit there is a Problem -- Take Accountability for what already happened.
  2. Critically Assess the Problem -- Take Accountability for how it happened.
  3. Try to determine Risk Factors and/or Causes related to the Problem -- Take Accountability for negative influences that you keep your life.
  4. Brainstorm or Propose Options that could make the Problem much better -- Take Accountability for moving forward.
  5. Inventory the available and/or needed Resources for solving the Problem.
  6. Make a Plan of Attack for Solving the Problem.  Outline the steps to success.
  7. Carry it out / Solve the Problem.
  8. Assess the Progress Made.  Don't be afraid to be brutally honest with yourself about things that need to change.  
  9. Re-Address the Problem over time as Needed.
  10. Set up ways to Prevent the Problem from ever occurring again. -- Take Accountability for never letting it happen again.  Prevention.

In Closing: 
  Do not let yourself be frightened by the Morphing Process -- or Change itself.  Because, if there is one thing that is always happening in our lives, it is Change.  If you have Anxiety or Fear about making positive changes that could help prevent Domestic Violence; then try to relax and just know that the overall Goal here is for us to improve the quality of our Lives and our Relationships; and to decrease the likelihood of ever again having DV-type Feelings, DV-Type Thinking, or DV-Type Behaviors; much less a DV-related Charge.  This really can't be that bad; can it?
  Normally, we only do one Worksheet and one Session Feedback Form per session.  However, this week, we need to do a little more.  Please complete each of the three Worksheets below and the Session Feedback Form.  Thank you.

*** Please Click Here to Complete The What is My Problem Worksheet. ***

*** Please Click Here to Complete Your PERSONAL CHANGE PLAN Worksheet. ***

*** Please Click Here to Complete Your Treatment Planning Worksheet. ***

*** Please click here to complete Dr. B's Session Feedback Form. ***

(Originally published, Jan. 18, 2021).

Music that helps convey the message of this Presentation could be:

Ch Cha Cha Changes!!! (David Bowie)

Amy (Pure Prairie League)

Chain Gang (The Pretenders)

Don't let me Down (Beatles)


(c. 2021, William T. Beverly, Ph.D., LCSW, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.).

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Pay for your Sessions Right NOW and Right HERE!


   To Make a Payment via PayPal Right Now

  Or go the PayPal / Debit / Credit Buttons on the top and bottom of the Right Side of this Blog Page.

  Of, if you are Paying on your Phone: You can get to the Paypal / Debit / Credit Buttons by scrolling to the very bottom of your screen, and clicking on the "View Web Version" or "View as Web Page" at the bottom of your screen.  

  Then when the page opens up, you will see the Paypal / Debit / Credit Buttons on the Right-Hand Side of your screen.  

  Then just expand your screen, press the correct button and go from there.    

  Remember, if you make a payment, it has not gone through until you get a message on your screen telling you that your payment went through.

  After making a Payment, always be sure to text Dr. B so that he can confirm that you payment went through.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Group Schedule is Changing Now due to the Addition of some In-Person DV Groups.

 Be mindful of the Group Schedule Changes.  

>>> Please CLICK HERE (BELOW) to check out the New Schedules of Groups (Virtual and In-Person).

Dr. B's New Group Schedule

-- And Don't forget to CLICK HERE for the In-Person Group Treatment Consent Form!

Monday, August 2, 2021

Dr. Beverly is RE-Starting IN-Person DV Groups Next Week!

Beginning Monday, August 9th, 2021  

(Please note: In order to attend any In-Person Sessions at this point in time, you will need to digitally fill out and sign the form via the Link below this schedule.)

PLEASE NOTE -- Text Dr. B at least 24 hours ahead if you plan to attend an IN-Person Session instead of a Virtual Session.  Sometimes Space for IN-Person Sessions could be limited.

*** Please CLICK HERE for Dr. B's NEW GROUP Schedule. ***

Please Note: 

  If you attend any of the In-Person Groups (such as those listed Above); or any other appointment(s) in-person with Dr. Beverly, you will be required to complete a form that reads very much like the form that is LINKed below.  If you are not willing to do that, you should not attend In-Person Treatment Sessions with Dr. Beverly for now.  If this is the case, please make other arrangements with Dr. Beverly.  Feel free to Text Dr. B. if you have any questions.

  *** Please click on this Link Here in order to Review

and Complete the NEW Group Consent Form. ***

Monday, July 12, 2021

 We all know what we need to do:  

(We need to pay our IOU's ASAP!  There is no need to ask Dr. B for your Balance.  You can track this yourself (see below).  And believe me, Dr. B will let you know if you are not paid in full).

All you do is follow these simple steps: 

1. Multiply the number of Sessions that you have attended by $25 each.

2. Then Subtract the amount of any paid Vouchers (Your P.O. or Dr. B. can help you with that info). 

3. After that, Subtract any payments we have already made.

4. Then, you can Pay the Remaining Balance using the PayPal Button to the Right of this Page.  Just Click on the Picture Above; Or, simply Go to THIS PAYPAL LINK to pay right now!

5. If you cannot pay it all off at one time; please just pay the $25 every week, PLUS an extra $25 or some other amount to go toward your Balance until it is paid off.

Thank you.


Monday, July 5, 2021

Helpful Info About The Power & Control Wheel & The Equality Wheel

The Power & Control Wheel: Everything You Need to Know.  The Power & Control Wheel is one of the most long-standing cornerstones of DV Offender Treatment.  Please take time to learn about this.
  Also, The Equality Wheel can been helpful in learning about WHAT TO DO; as opposed to The Power & Control Wheel which presents ideas about WHAT NOT TO DO.
  Just like the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions for Alcoholics Anonymous and other Recovery Programs; and just like The Ten Commandments; the Power & Control and the Equality Wheels off a brief set of ideas about What To DO and What Not To Do.   Equality is not only what you should do; but if you are in a Relationship, you should either be able to expect it.  Or at least that your partner is learning about, or willing to learn about how to have a Relationship based on Equality.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Dr. William T. Beverly

 Dr. William T. Beverly is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Specializing in Prevention of Family Violence.  He has offices in Walsenburg, Trinidad, Alamosa and Monte Vista, Colorado. 

  Dr. B. graduated with honors from Virginia Commonwealth University, has taught at 3 Universities, and has more than 25 years of diverse Clinical experiences.  Dr. Beverly works with numerous other Agencies, Physicians and Practioners in Southeastern Colorado.  Please Call or Text Dr. Beverly at  (719) 671-7793 for more information and/or to schedule an appointment.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Learning How To Argue In A Healthy Way for Healthier and Happier Relationships

  First: Think about the Historical use of Argument.  Arguments actually do a lot of good; but productive arguments are not always done the way that many of us think arguments should be done.  For one, think of all the comforts and the things that we would not have as a Human Civilization today if not for Arguments.  We have all benefited from Arguments; we just may not know it yet?
  Some of the greatest arguers ever known to humankind have names that we have heard before: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Da Vinci, Copernicus, Thomas Paine or even Freud?
  • For Example: Some professionals argue for a living.
    • Philosophers ( such as those named above) -- Essentially invented argument.  Philosophers such Aristotle essentially invented things such as parts of the Scientific Method, as well as certain Methods for Argument about Right and Wrong (Ethics or Moral Philosophy) or Logic.

    • Attorneys / Lawyers argue for a living (like in Court) -- while Judges settle Arguments.  In the U.S.A., Court is one place where people argue for a living.

    • Teachers and (more so) Professors try to teach people how to Argue.  And many Professors are actually Professional Arguers as well... such as in the use the what's called the Socratic Method.

    • Scientists present their findings of Research and other Researchers or Scientists or even Scholars argue for or against the validity of their findings.  In other words sometimes we come up with better solutions because we argue about our results or our research until we are enlightened by new information or by new ways of thinking.   

    • Politicians argue for what they think is right.  And they are often swayed by the arguments of Lobbyists and Advocates.

    • Authors who write Editorials or Op/Eds or Books or Popular Articles or even Scholarly Journal Articles often argue for a living as well.  They get paid to argue in writing.
  • And Guess What Else?  All of these people above -- are typically able to argue almost every day and yet they are trained on how to do so without being disrespectful or violent.
    • But without Freedom of Expression -- Freedom or Speech and Freedom of Thought and Belief; We would essentially be nowhere as far as arguments go.
    • Because there are societies where arguing is not legal.  Stalin killed as many as 40,000,000 - many of which were killed because they disagreed with his philosophy of Government.
    • Many leaders and even Mobs throughout the ages have killed people for having different opinions.
Arguments can be Personal and Professional.  But still in all, if in a Personal Argument, a person can argue in a Profesional way, they might find that it helps their relationship, more than it hurts the relationship.
  Today's lesson is about Arguing in a Professional way.

According to Merriam Webster's Dictionary, an Argument is:
  • "The act or (the) process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing."
    • That's all it is...
Another way to look at Argument is that Argument is:
  • "A coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view."
    • The problem is that it appears to be that most Americans seem to think that argument is essentially a fight; when truly, nothing could be further from the truth.  Arguing and fighting are two completely different things.

Per Dr. B., Some of The Possibly Good Things About Healthy Argument Include:
  1. Can Help us build Stronger Relationships.  Helps with Nurturing your Relationships.
  2. Can Help one partner get to know the needs, desires and concerns of the other partner in a really good way.
  3. It can Help a Couple Find New Information, Workable Solutions and even Better Solutions.
  4. It often Increases Bonding between Partners.
  5. It also sometimes helps one or both Partners in Clearing the Air.  In that way it can help us feel better.
  6. Helps each Partner learn how to Increase their Listening Skills.  Helps Partners Learn Skills at paying attention to the new information presented during an argument.
  7. Helps individual Partners at Building Collaboration and Negotiation Skills.  Argument is Good practice for Collaboration and Negotiation.
  8. Builds on one's ability to exercise Patience.
  9. Helps one develop more Clear and more Rational and more Logical Thinking Skills.  Arguing helps one build Critical Thinking Skills.
  10. Argument can be a great way to experience the depths and the strength of a Relationship; but only when it is done respectfully.

Why does this Seem So Outlandish to Some People -- the Idea that Arguing Can Be Good???
  • Could it be that this seems crazy because usually when me and my partner disagree, it turns into a fight?  
  • Or perhaps this seems crazy because as a child, I learned not to argue...?  
  • Or perhaps I am afraid that an argument will bring me down or even break us up...? 
  • But does it really have to be that way?
  • What if you were in a Healthy Relationship where it was perfectly okay to have a different opinion about something important?  
    • Is that even possible?  What do you think?  Yes, with Critical Thinking.
  • So remember, if it wasn't for argument, everyone might just be thinking the same things all the time.  Everyone might eventually even have the same point of view.  There would be no diversity of thought.  It might even be illegal to have a point of view that is different from the Average point of view, or the Majority point of view. 
  • Without Argument and Critical Thinking we might not have the benefits of Diversity.  Where would we be as a Society without a Diverse or a Minority Viewpoint?  Finally, where would we as a People be without Diversity in our manners of thinking and in our bodies of knowledge?  

Some Tools for Arguing include the following:  Self Respect, Respect for others, Listening skills, Critical Thinking skills, Clear Respectful and Rational Communication, Patience, Collaboration skills, Negotiation skills, Willingness to consider Minority or Different Viewpoints, and even Compromise.  And finally, one probably really needs to know one's self in order to argue in a healthy way.

Dr. B's Rules About Arguments / How To Argue Without Destroying An Otherwise Good Relationship:
  1. Accept that Argument is an almost inevitable part of Relationships.  It's gonna happen.
  2. Know that the Purpose of an Argument is to Find Solutions Together.  The Purpose of an Argument is NOT to Win.  It is not about Winning or Losing or being Right or Wrong.
  3. Arguments are NOT about Venting either necessarily; however, we often feel better after we share our point of view on important matters.  But it is important in an Argument to try and keep the emotions from taking over.  It's often good to stay on point.
  4. Understanding the difference between Truths and Facts helps in Arguments.  We each have our own Truths.  But between us somewhere, lie the Facts.  I might own my Truth.  But I can never own the Facts.  Because Truths are not Always FACTual.  Truths are what each person believes to be True.  Whereas FACTS are simply FACTS.  They don't change much.  And the Purpose of an Argument is often to learn what the FACTS are by Listening to Each Person's Truths.  (Perhaps this is why in Court, the Judge asks you: "Do you swear to tell the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH, so help you GOD?"  Rather than asking you if you will swear to tell the FACTS and nothing but the FACTS, so help you GOD?)  Another Purpose of an Argument is to Discover Facts as gleaned from Truths.  So it's important that we always respect and even Value our Partner's or the other person's Truths.  In essence, we need to learn how to value the fact that the other person has a Truth; even if we disagree with it.
  5. Effective Arguments do not necessarily have Winners or Losers.  An Effective Argument does not need to include Blame, Shame, Guilt, Exaggeration or Intimidation.  Effective Arguments should almost always end in a positive, fulfilling way -- if possible.  In other words, when an Argument ends; both parties should feel like they learned something new; or that something is finally settled -- or about to be settled.
  6. Arguments tend to have Rules.  And the first Rule of Arguments is Respect.  Successful Romantic Relationships (and Other Relationships); as well as productive, and healthy arguments; are all built on Respect.  ALWAYS be Respectful toward your Partner (And Everyone Else too -- including yourself) -- especially if you are trying to argue about something.)  Especially if you disagree.  Proper Argument is always done in a Respectful Manner.  If an Argument is NOT Respectful; then it is no longer an Argument.  It then has become a Fight.  
  7. Arguments are NOT Fights.  Arguing is NOT Fighting.  Fighting is one of the most Disrespectful things one person can do to another person or to themselves.  Whereas a good Argument can be educative, enlightening, resourceful and even helpful -- and above all, a good Argument MUST BE Respectful at all times.
  8. One cannot really facilitate a healthy Argument in a rush either.  Take your time.  Make time to Argue.  
  9. Always be sure to to identify the standards you are using for telling what indicates success in the argument.  For example:  Do NOT confuse Morals with the Law or what is Legal with Morality.  In other words, what is Legal is not always Right.  And what seems Right, is not always Legal.  In other words, just being Right or Legal in an Argument does not necessarily win the Argument for both people; unless, that is the standard for a successful argument in that case.  Because the goal is often to be BOTH Right  (or good) and also Legal at the same time, for example.
  10. Try to argue about one point at a time.  Don't mix points or time frames.  If you are arguing about one thing, don't bring up another until this one is settled.
  11. A Point only becomes a Point if you both agree that it is point -- and that point belongs to both of you.  No person gets more points than the other in a Personal Argument.  The objective here is to settle differences; not to win.  Now, in a Courtroom it's different to do it this way because the Judge (and/or the Jury) are frequently keeping score.  

"How to Communicate During an Argument: 7 Quick Rules (By Estes (2012).  (Dr. B's Annotations are in Parentheses):

  1. "Avoid bringing up the past.  When your partner comes to you with a concern or is upset, avoid bringing in the past as an example, to prove your point, or in an attempt to resolve the issue. ...  (Much less to shame or intimidate your partner).  (Dr. B. says, Don't bring up the past or exaggerations in order discount the other person's point and try to win; when in fact, the purpose is to solve things, not to win or lose.)
  2. Use positive pointing language. ...  (Don't blame your partner -- Like "You always..... or You never...."  etc..  Use "I" statements noticing positive qualities about your partner.  Be sensitive to how both you and your partner are feeling during this argument.  We don't want to create more damage than good.)
  3. Become a “we” ... (Like Partners -- or like a Team -- yeah... like a Couple!).  Look at the solution as something "we" are seeing together, given the facts that have now been revealed through our truths and our argument.
  4. Claim your own role in the problem. ... (Take Responsibility and Accountability for what you have contributed to the problem.  Be accountable.)
  5. Calm your nerves. ...  (Deep Breathing helps, Grounding helps.  Be patient.  Try to Ralax.  Try never to argue standing up.  Sit down, listen and listen really well.)  (Don't raise your voice).
  6. Don't leave -- or walk out on the argument if you can help it; unless it's getting abusive; or if it is time for you to take a Time Out. ... If nothing else, you can Stay there and listen Respectfully.  Be Patient.
  7. Bring down the wall."  (Be yourself).  (Let your partner come past your defenses.  (From: Jennine Estes, MFT (2012)).

*** Don't let your argument get the best of you. ***

*** Other: The "Rules for Argument" as proposed by the University of Colorado include an 

"Argument Checklist", which suggests that the following questions be answered prior to arguing  (Dr. B's Annotations are in Parentheses):
  • "Is this subject worth arguing about?  (Will it take an argument to solve this? Or do you simply need a friendly negotiation instead?)
  • Have I gathered enough evidence to make an argument?  (Have I established what the Truths are as well as what are probably the FACTS.  Hence, is my argument going to be based in fact or in fiction?)
  • Do I represent the views of my opponents in a way they would consider fair?  (Would my partner agree with the way I am representing her or his View of the Situation?  Or am I exaggeration or embellishing truths in order to sway opinions?  Or am I missing crucial information?)
  • Have I developed my argument logically?  (Or am I just angry and venting?  But seriously, does my argument flow from one point to the next without holes?)
  • Is my use of evidence accurate?  (Or am I minimizing or just exaggerating?)
  • Have I tried to prove too much?"  (Am I over-arguing in trying drive home the point?)

  Jennine Estes, MFT (2012) "How to Communicate During An Argument."
  "Rules for Argument: Make Your Argument Convincing" (University of Colorado, Denver).
  "A Short Guide to Writing About History" Marius (1999).

 (c. 2020, William T. Beverly, Ph.D., LCSW, All information on the Blog (Except where otherwise noted); are the intellectual and/or photographic and/or digital property of Dr. William T. Beverly, L.C.S.W., DVOMB Approved Offender Treatment Provider.).